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No this is not an update, I apologize. But after this... I dunno if there will be anymore updates.

So, as some of you may know Wattpad has been deleting some books on the app. I for one, did not know till this morning, so have been backing up all my oneshots, drafts, and such into google docs for the past three hours (which was a total pain in the ass btw).

After doing so, and feeling relived that if my books or account are deleted I've at least saved them, I go to my notifications to see a post by @/ifwithoutskz

The post is as follows:

Therefore, in an attempt to try and see if I can prevent my account from the virus known as deletion, I took to reading the book for more information about the situation

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Therefore, in an attempt to try and see if I can prevent my account from the virus known as deletion, I took to reading the book for more information about the situation.

Reading through, I felt quite relieved and was at a point of euphoria knowing my books were probably safe since I have rated my books mature and have related cw's and tw's when necessary.

My happiness was short lived.

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Now, I'm sitting here, barbeque sauce on my ti- TWAS A JOKE AMANDA TWAS A JOKE

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Now, I'm sitting here, barbeque sauce on my ti- TWAS A JOKE AMANDA TWAS A JOKE.

In all seriousness I have gained myself quite the situation here. This book... contains alot of smut oneshots, oneshots that mainly end when the sexual scenes themselves have ended.

You see the situation I'm in?

Either, I attempt to rewrite ALL the smut oneshots (and overall all of them I suppose since they are all absolute cRiNge) within this book to better accommodate themselves to wattpad's guidelines.

BUT in doing so updates will be much more sporatic and perhaps even once in a blue moon.


I pack my bags and leave to ao3, which I have to say isn't the most appealing option considering I attempted ao3 once. I eventually deleted the book I was working on because-

1. That site is very confusing for me to understand the mechanics of.

2. Ao3 doesn't save drafts... or at least I haven't found the button that saves them-

3. The community there, is quite bland. Interaction is a feature I think ao3 lacks a lot, as to here on wattpad I've been able to make wonderful friends on here (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE😌) and interact with you all with ease and friendliness. Besides, I quite missed the crackheadey of my comment section and sentences such as "F-fuck.... Mingi!" going famous (only veterans will know the thread😔👌).

4. My daily memes at the end of my oneshots? My lil rants? My song recommendations? Hello? There is no way I'm giving that up COME ON- I mean yea, few read them but I quite like them so hmph.

Anyways, yes I am in quite the pickle. To guarantee my safety ao3 is the way to go, but I quite prefer wattpads platform over the archive.

So now is the question, where do I go?

I've been debating, I've been contemplating, but there has been no final decision making (BARS-)

So I ask you all, WHAT DO I DO???????




The fate of this account lies in your hands my dudes, or partially it does :')

I shall be back in an hour!!!! Comment suggestions and such to help me for I can not make decisions on my own!!

Love you :3

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