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The members were given a week off to do as they pleased. They usually spent it shopping, going out to eat, or visiting family and friends.

Today though Jongho, Yeosang, and Seongwha decided to stay behind while the rest of the members went out. They probably werent going to return until very late at night or the very next day.

Jongho was sitting in the living room couch playing some games on his phone.

He had his headphones on pretty loud so any outisde noises weren't really heard.

On the other side of the room Yeosang was in the kitchen eating when Seonghwa entered.

"Yeosang..." Seonghwa slid his hands up and down Yeosangs thighs sending shivers down his spine.


Seongwha began kissing Yeosangs neck gently making small gasps and moans come out of Yeosangs lips.

"N-not here...hwa...J-jongho...."

Seonghwa bit on Yeosangs neck causing a loud moan to escape his lips.

Yeosang immediately covered his mouth eyes quickly looking over at Jongho who didn't seem to notice.

He looked at Seonghwa who had a small smirk on his face.

"See? Nothing to worry about."


"No buts. Now lemme make you feel good baby."

Seongwhas hands sneaked under Yeosangs shirt and immediately started pinching his nipples causing small whines to leave the younger.

He started leaving hickeys on Yeosangs neck adding more to the pleasure.

Yeosang was slowly getting hard. His jeans were beginning to feel a little too tight on him.


Smirking Seonghwa reached over to the front of Yeosangs jeans grabbing his erection.

Yeosang threw his head back and moaned.


Seonghwa unzipped his jeans pulling them down.

A smirk appeared on his face as he saw the black lace panties Yeosang was wearing. It hugged his curves and ass nicely. He felt himself get hard from the sight.

He squeezed Yeosangs ass and loved the way he made the younger gasp and whine.

"You have such a nice ass baby. And these panties? Who were you thinking of seducing?"

Seongwha smacked Yeosangs left cheek leaving a red mark on his milky skin.

Yeosang whined and felt his eyes brimming with water.

"N-no one...." He whined again as another slap was delivered to his right cheek.

Seonghwa continued to smack his ass each one harder than the last.

"H-harder hwa... p-please.."

Seonghwa smacked Yeosang harder causing Yeosang to moan loudly. Yeosang felt himself getting closer and closer to his release. Finally after one particular smack he came all over his panties with a loud moan shivering.

"Did you cum baby?" Seonghwa groaned.

Yeosang shyly nodded.

"That's so fucking hot."

He picked Yeosang up and carried the small boy to his room leaving the door slightly open.

He set him down on the bed and started taking his clothes off as Yeosang eyed his body with a lustfull look.

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