requests ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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A handful of people have been messaging me over requests and ya know after a certain amount of people asking I decided I might as well just be taking requests in general.

2020 has as well come to an end, 2021 now taking it's place. Why not start of the year with some requests?

So if you are going to requests please leave them here!!!

I'm going to need the ship, the plot, and any specifications or warnings I may need to add :D

You can request more than once, you can requests from a simple pair to ot8, you can request crossovers which mean Yeosang x someone else other than ateez, you can request a mix of genres it doesn't have to be pure fluff or pure smut, you can basically request anything as long as you are aware this is a bottom Yeosang book. The amount of people I've got asking me for other ships like biss.... did you not check the title befor clicking the book????

Maybe I'll do a oneshot book someday for all the ships, but sometime later not now djsbsjbdjsbdwksh

Also if you already requested something please restate your request or even change it if you'd like, that's up to you. I would just like to have everything in one spot to make it easier for me :3

That is all and I hope you all have a wonderful year full of joy and happiness! I love you all dearly ( ˘ ³˘)♡

That is all and I hope you all have a wonderful year full of joy and happiness! I love you all dearly ( ˘ ³˘)♡

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P.S Y'all have been reading, commenting, voting AND adding Withering Sunflower to your reading lists and I just felt so touched man, I wanted to thank you all for the support :')

S Y'all have been reading, commenting, voting AND adding Withering Sunflower to your reading lists and I just felt so touched man, I wanted to thank you all for the support :')

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P.S.S. the actual reason I'm doing this is because I accidentally deleted the chapter where I had all my requests noted down. I also made the mistake of starting to write the requests on that same page so anything I started writing is all gone.... mega rip :')

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