Yeosang x ateez (angst, fluff)

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"I'm n-not good enough..."

Yeosang was currently in his room having a mental breakdown. He couldn't help it when his mind started overflowing with millions and millions of negative thoughts.

Earlier that day he was scrolling through twitter reading some comments about himself. He was happy too see such positive comments about him. He kept reading and scrollling happily. That is until the negative comments started showing up.

Comments about his vocals, dancing, or whether he should even be in ateez.

"Yeosang doesn't even sing much why is he even there?"

"He can't sing or even dance KQ what are you doing?"

"Hes got a pretty face but that's about it."

"He should just leave the group. They'd be soooo much better off without him."

As he continued to read these comments he started to realize...they were right. He can't, sing, dance or do anything. Maybe he should just leave. Maybe ateez would be better off without him. 

Days passed and slowly Yeosang started getting quieter. He didn't smile as much anymore and he distanced himself from everyone.

The others would ask him what was wrong and he would put on a fake smile and pretend like he was okay, when in reality he was not okay.

He spent many sleepless nights crying and just debating whether he should leave until he would fall asleep.

Today was no different he barely slept last night and was hauled up in his room alone crying. He proceeded to cry for a good 2 hours until he realized it was time for practice. He wiped his tears freshened up a bit and headed over to the practice room.

"Ah Yeosang your late." Hongjoong said.

"S-sorry." He whispered back.

They started the music and began practicing. Yeosang was trying his absolute best and everything was going well so far.

He can't even dance.

He missed a step tripping over his feet.

"Yeosang?" Seonghwa asked.


They started the music again and continued from where they left off.

He has no talent.

He missed yet another step and fell behind.


Mistake after mistake after mistake. Yeosang kept tripping over his feet and forgetting his parts.

He should just leave.

He tripped again falling onto the floor.

"Stop the music." Hongjoong said.

Yeosang could feel the hot tears running down his face. Before the members could ask him anything he quickly got up and ran out of the room.

The members called out to him but he just continued running until he made it into his room. He locked himself in, curled into a ball in his bed and began bawling his eyes out.

He cried for a while till he heard a soft knock on his door.

"Sangie, can we come in please."

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