Seongsang (angst)

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Rape and Abuse Warning

A boy made of glass.

So fragile and delicate that even the slightest touch could shatter him into a million pieces.

Such was Kang Yeosang.

He was so easy to break yet to piece him back together was nearly impossible.

But he wasn't always so fragile.

What changed him? Well, a heartwrenching heartbreak that three years later he still hasn't been able to forget.

Growing up he had a best friend. A best friend so dear to him he ended up falling in love with him.

Of course he said nothing at first out of fear of being rejected but soon he grew the courage. He told his best friend how he felt and to his surprise he wasn't rejected.

Yeosang felt his heart swell with happiness and joy. He had never been so happy in his entire life.

They dated for seven months, until Yeosangs whole world came crashing down one fateful night.

His boyfriend had told him he was gonna be busy with work that day. Yeosang didn't think much of it since his boyfriend had been really busy lately. So he decided to go out and just have some time for himself. He went out to eat, walked around the city and went shopping.

Their eight month anniversary was coming up, so Yeosang decided to get his boyfriend a gift. He decided on a matching set of necklaces with their names engraved on it.

He made his purchase spending quite a bit of money but for his boyfriend he didn't mind.

He exited the store and made his way to a nearby park for a late night stroll.

As he was enjoying the scenery in the park he heard a familiar voice. It sounded like his boyfriend but...he was supposed to be working right now.

He followed the voice until in the distance he could see, his boyfriend......holding hands with someone he didn't know.

At first Yeosang thought nothing of it thinking it was just a friend. Until he saw them kiss and his boyfriend say three words he had never once in there 8 months of being together had said to him before.

I love you

He dropped the bag he was holding startling the couple and making them look his way.

His boyfriend saw him and quickly let fo of the person he was with.

"Yeosang I can explai-"

"I loved you so much......"

He ran away crying as his supposed boyfriend shouted after him. He ran as far as he could until he made it home. He went into his room locking the door and cried his heart out.

After all that time together.... he should have realized the signs.

His boyfriend never visited him anymore, he rarely called and never texted, he was always busy, and they weren't as intimate anymore.

"I hate this..."

Yeosang had never felt so broken...... so shattered...... and so unfixable.

He started getting self conscious about himself and felt as though he wasn't enough.

Over the span of the next three years he learned to enclose his emotions in a cage of thorns.

This cage prevented his emotions from surfacing such that if they tried to leave he would be punctured by the sharp thorns and slowly be strangled until he was left crying out for help.

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