Seongsang (smut)

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Seonghwa watched as yeosang moved his hips to the beat of the music and how he looked so sexy doing it.

He couldn't take his eyes off of him. He was hungry for the younger and took it upon himself to ease that hunger.

As soon as practice was over Seonghwa rushed over to their shared room. He waited till Yeosang got their.

It was taking a while and he was drifting off to sleep till he heard Yeosangs voice just outside the door.

"Ok bye wooyoungie!"

He opened the door and seonghwa pretended to fall asleep.


He heard him approach the bed and felt him reaching for the covers near him. As he reached over for the covers Seonghwa grabbed his wrist and pulled him on top of him.

"W-what are y-you doing?"

"Babyboy you made me wait so long for you. I think you need to be punished."

He flipped them over and began kissing his neck. Yeosang was suprised at first but ended up letting out the most beautiful moans Seonghwa could ever imagine.


He felt himself get aroused at the sounds the boy made beneath him.

He went up to his ear and nibbled on it. Yeosang whimpered and tried wiggling away.

"Dont move." He whispered into his ear as he bit his earlobe. He whimpered.

He moved toward his neck again searching for his sweet spot. He neared his ear when he moaned much louder and reached out to cover his mouth.

Seonghwa began sucking on the spot and Yeosang continued fighting back his moans. He removed his hands from his mouth.

"Let me hear you baby."

He began taking of his clothes and gasped.

Their layed yeosang, in black sexy panties and a lace bra.

"Baby is this for me?"

He looked away embarrased and Seonghwa turned his face to look at him.

He neared his ear and whispered in a low voice. "Baby you look so sexy right now I just want to fuck you senseless till you cant walk."

He felt Yeosang shiver underneath him and smirked. He smashed his lips against his and he kissed back wrapping his arms around Seonghwas neck. He grabbed his thighs and he moaned allowing Seonghwa to enter his tongue. They fought for dominance. Of course Seonghwa won.

He pulled away and Yeosang whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Dont worry baby I'm not done with you yet."

He made his way down Yeosangs neck and chest and took of the bra he had on. He began playing with his nipples and he arched his back and moaned.

"Sensitive baby aren't we?" He chuckled.

He sucked on one and played around with the other. He kept moaning and squirming around. Yeosang looked so helpless and he loved it.

"Mmm S-seonghwa i-im gonna- AH~"

With a loud moan he arched his back and ended up coming through his panties all by being played with his nipples.

He fell against the bed weak and flustered.

Seonghwa groaned at the sight beneath him. Yeosangs cheeks were dusted pink and his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. He was panting slightly and he looked at him with watery eyes.

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