Yeosang x Ateez (fluff)

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Today was a very special day.

It's Yeosangs birthday and the members decided to surprise their little one. (Thats right I'm giving y'all little Yeosang OwO)

They have been planning this surprise for a week now and wanted it to be the best for Yeosang since they were stuck inside and couldn't leave to take him out.

Yeosang was currently in his bed sleeping snuggled up with his stuffies and blankets. He looked so adorable the members couldn't help but take some pictures.

Aftert they took the photos, they quietly left his room and started getting ready for the surprise.

They surprise was a set of things and it first started off with making Yeosangs favorite breakfast.

Seonghwa and Jongho were in charge of making breakfast so they stared making waffles, Yeosangs favorite. Jongho mixed the batter while Soenghwa cooked them.

When they were done they nicely plated the waffles drizzling chocolate on top and cutting up some strawberries arranging them in a heart.

When they were done they quietly made their way to Yeosangs room. They opened the door to reveal him still sleeping and snoring softly.

They cooed and gently started waking him up.

"Sangie baby, time to wake up."

Jongho gently shook him making him stir a bit.

"B-but Jongie I tired."

"We made your favorite today. Waffles and chocolate."

Yeosang shot his eyes wide open and jumped up excitedly.


Seonghwa and Jongho laughed at Yeosangs cuteness.

"Sit down okay baby, you get to eat in bed today."

Yeosang gasped and excitedly settled himself in bed.

Seonghwa gently cut up the waffles and helped Yeosang eat.


By the time they were done Yeosang was covered in chocolate since he was a messy eater but Seonghwa didn't mind. He grabbed some napkins they brought and together with Jongho they began cleaning Yeosang.

"Baby do you know what day it is today?" Jongho asked.

Yeosnag pouted and began to think and then he smiled excitedly.

"Today is Sangies bwirthday!!!"

"That's right and we have some more surprises for you."

"Yayyy! Sangie wuv supwises!!"

"Do you wanna se your suprises?"

"Yes Sangie want pwease!"

"Okay let us clean you up okay?"


Yeosang extended his arms out and Jongho carried him to the bathroom.

They prepared a warm bath for him and helped him bathe.

"Wook! Jongie bubbles! Sangie wuv bubbles!"

Jongho scooped some bubbles from the bath and placed them on Yeosangs head making him giggle.

Seonghwa smiled at them and then rememebred the second part of the surprise.

"Jongho rinse and dry Yeosang off I'll go and get the second supirise."

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