Jongsang (fluff)

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"It's snowing..."

The windows were all fogged up, the outside world a beautiful, blurry mess.

And though the air outside was cold, Yeosang found himself engulfed in warmth in the safe embrace of his loving boyfriend, Jongho.

Seated in the living room couch, wrapped up in thick blankets and snuggled up close, the winter wonderland outside the window seemed distant, far from their minds.

The only thing that mattered right now was eachother and the warmth of their bodies.

"What would you like to do love?"

Jongho asked Yeosang softly, the blonde loving the way his voice brought comfort and tranquility to his very soul.

"Perhaps we can go out and see the world? Go out and enjoy this winter miracle?"

"How does a short stroll in the city sound?"

"I like that idea."

"Okay, let's go."

The young couple unwrapped themselves from their embrace, both getting ready for a nice walk out in the snow.

Sweaters, mittens, scarves, soft woollen hats, and just about anything cozy was included in their outfits for the day. Once ready, they took their mitten covered hands in one another and began to walk out in the cold world.

Beneath their feet, a thin layer of snow crunched softly, whilst flowers of white danced around them in the air.

Puffs of white smoke left their lips as they breathed, a sign of just how cold the day was today.

Nonetheless, a little snow was what made this stroll all the more perfect.

The young couple continued to walk amongst the streets, passing by the houses of fellow neighbors and friends, before arriving at the city central.

Here, was where their walk became more interesting.

The sound of laughter and chatter was heard all throughout the area, shops and stores alive and busy with bright lights signaling open on each corner, in the far distance winter melodies were being sung by beautiful voices accompanied by the strings of a guitar, the sweet aroma of pastries filled the air, those of freshly baked bread or that of chocolate covered sweets.

Moving forward, they found themselves in the park, far into the distance a bridge of stone and white took place, the young couple walked over calmly.

Upon arrival they stood in the middle, hands along the stone railings as they gazed out onto the frozen pond and the city.

As Yeosang lost himself in the city of white, he began to remember old memories that took place in this very location. All these sights, sounds, and smells, reminded him of the day he met Jongho, a small smile formed on his face.

He gazed up at Jongho, only to find a similar smile on his face too, perhaps the younger was remeniscing those days like he was.

As if he could read his mind, the younger spoke.

"Do you remember when we first met?"

Jongho looked down at his beloved, already knowing the answer just by the smile on his face.

"Of course I do, how could I forget the time you pulled us both into the pond?"

A soft chuckle left the youngers lips, the old memory bringing him joy and pain.

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