Woosang (fluff-ish)

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Yeosang didn't really know why but he just hasn't been able to fall asleep for the past few days. What amazes Yeosang though was that he never seemd tired. He actually seemed more awake but he knew he was bound to crash at any point.

Today was no different. He laid awake in bed. He rolled over to look at his clock.

3:04 a.m

At this point Yeosang wasn't suprised anymore. He sat up in bed and looked over at the bed at the other side of the room.

He shared a room with his best friend  Wooyoung, who he also had a crush on. He watched as Wooyoung was sleeping peacefully in his bed.

Every night Yeosang was tempted to sleep with Wooyoung.

He walked over to Wooyoungs bed and sat in front of him. Something about Wooyoung just felt nice and cozy to Yeosang. He was really tempted to just hop in underneath the covers and wrap Wooyoungs arm around him but he froze when Wooyoung turned around.

Luckily though Wooyoung's eyes were closed so he assumed he was asleep.

He sighed heavily and was about to go to his bed when he felt a tug on his shirt.

He whipped his head around and saw Wooyoung staring right at him.

"Hop in." Yeosang was too shocked to comprehend what he was told.


"You heard me hop in." With a squeak Yeosang was dragged into bed with Wooyoung who tightly wrapped his arms around Yeosangs.

Blushing Yeosang looked up and was about to say something when Wooyoung brought a finger to his lips and shushed him.

After a while Yeosang seemd to give in and snuggled comfortably into Wooyoung. He was right, Wooyoung felt nice and cozy. He closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep. Before he knew it, the sun was already up.

Yeosang opened his eyes and felt really relaxed and warm. He tried getting up but failed as something pulled him back down.

He turned around and gasped. He forgot that he was pulled into bed with Wooyoung last night. Wooyoung had tightly wrapped his arms around Yeosang making it almost impossible to escape without waking him up.

Yeosang pouted and tried to wake up Wooyoung.

"Woo~" he whispered while poking his cheeks.


"WOO~" he said a little louder.


He huffed and tried prying Wooyoung off of him but it was harder than he thought.

It was like Wooyoung superglued himself to Yeosang. He tried squirming out but again and again he had no luck.

He decided to do something stupid but maybe it would work.

He was about to kiss Wooyoung on the cheeks when all of a sudden Wooyoung turned his head and Yeosangs kiss landed on his lips instead. Wooyoung opened his eyes and smirked.

He let go of Yeosang and gently placed his hand on Yeosangs waist and one in his hair.

Yeosang was shocked and wide eyed but he somehow melted into the kiss.

The kiss got more heated and Yeosang managed to crawl into Wooyoungs lap. Wooyoung pulled their bodies closer and grabbed Yeosangs ass.

Yeosang gasped and Wooyoung slid his tongue in. He was getting rougher and he slid his hands up Yeosangs shirt. He started playing with Yeosangs nipples causing a small whimper to escape Yeosangs lips.

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