Yunsang (fluff)

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late yunho day special :')

There was nothing more Yunho needed, than this. To have his beloved snuggled up in his arms, swaddled up in a thick woolen blanket as they watched the stars through the broken roof of the abandoned tree house. The surrounding canopy fluttering in the late night breeze as the stars twinkled through there swaying branches.

With pure adoration, he listened to Yeosang reminisce about an old childhood memory. Where 7 year old Yeosang thought he could touch the stars from the perch of his own roof. It was a futile attempt, but nonetheless he prevailed and made it onto the clay tiles successfully.

Unfortunately for him, he reached a tad bit too far off the edge, falling into his mother's garden moments later.

"Mother wasn't too happy to find me blooming alongside her hydrangeas."

Yunho let out a hearty laugh, eyes turning into crescent moons at the though of Mrs. Kang running outside to see her seven year old son entangled in her flower bed. He could almost imagine the dirt smeared on the poor boys chubby cheeks, the thought alone bringing an even brighter smile to his lips.

"You must have wanted to touch those stars so bad huh?" he chuckled, running his fingers through the blonde's messy curls.

"I sure did, but the spankings afterwards were not worth the attempt."

Yeosang could only shudder remembering the 15 spankings he received that day, one for each of the flowers he crushed amidst his fall. If anything it taught him stars were meant to stay in the sky, and he was to stay on the ground, far far away from his mother's garden.

"Have you any silly tales from your childhood?" Yeosang craned his neck back as he asked the elder.

He watched Yunho ponder deep in thought, racking around in his mind for a story worth telling. It seems as though he found one, a small smile painting his lips afterwards.

"When I was 10," the elder began, "My sister proposed an idea. If I was able to count the number of stars in the night sky, she would give me one hundred dollars."

"Don't tell me you actually-"

The blonde was in utter disbelief, counting stars in the night sky was like counting the grains of sand in a desert. Impossible.

"Well sang, back then one hundred dollars was a million to young Yunho, so of course I stayed up all night counting the stars."


The young brunette shot up from his position, sitting cross-legged in front of the older male, curiosity engulfing him to learn the rest of this foredoomed story.

"Yup." Yunho smiled bitterly at the old memory. "I kept messing up and having to start over, by dawn I had only reached 74,839 stars."

"What did your sister say?"

"Well I passed out from exhaustion first. When my mother finally woke me up, I ran straight to my sisters room yelling her name, I said 'Yoona I did it! I did it Yoona!'

At first she told me to shut up because I was being annoying, then she asked me what I was on about. So I told her everything, gave her my number confidently and outstretched my hand for my prize."

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