Woosang (fluff)

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Wooyoung was preparing to propose to his lovely and beautiful boyfriend Yeosang.

Wooyoung and Yeosang were childhood bestfriends and eventually they developed feelings for one another over time. Luckily the feeling swore mutual. They started dating in their senior year of high school and they've been dating for about 4 years now.

Their 5th anniversary is coming up and Wooyoung has decided to propose to Yeosang.

He gathered all his closest friends together and decided to plan the perfect proposal.

He set up a little treasure hunt for Yeosang where hopefully it would take until sunset so Wooyoung will hopefully have a successful proposal by night time.

All of his friends were aware of what they were doing and they awaited the day to take action.

It was Sunday now. Yeosang had slowly woken up and was looking around for his lover who sadly wasn't there. It was their 5th anniversary today and he was sad that the first thing he saw on their special day wasn't Wooyoung but a note.

He picked up the note and began to read it.

Good morning baby!
You may be upset to not find me next to you in bed but I promise it will only get better. I am very aware of our 5th anniversary being today and I have scheduled an entire day for us to spend together. But first I'm gonna have you play a little game. On the kitchen counter you'll find the first clue to where I am so good luck and find me babe! Im waiting for you~♡

Yeosang giggled at the note. He loved solving puzzles and he was eager to find his boyfriend. He changed into one of Wooyoung's hoodies and some tight jeans.

He walked into the kitchen and sure enough he found another note.

"Where we first met..."

Yeosang smiled. They were childhood friends before and they had met at a playground where an energetic Wooyoung had met a shy Yeosang.

Yeosang drove off to the local park. He walked toward the playground and sure enough he found Jongho on the swings.

Jongho jumped off and ran toward Yeosang handing him a red rose and a note.

Yeosang smiled and gave him a hug before heading towards his next clue.

He jumped into his car and opened the note.

"Where we loved to hangout...."

"The convenience store!"

Yeosang and Wooyoung always headed their to hang out and talk. They had a little seating area outside the store where they always ate and goofed around.

He pulled up to the store and noticed Seonghwa and Hongjoong sitting in their usual spot.

"Hey you made it!" Seonghwa handed him another rose and Hongjoong gave him the note.

They said goodbye and Yeosang was off to his destination. He opened the note.

"Where I asked you out...."

He headed toward their high school. It was almost like it was yesterday when Wooyoung had asked him out in front of the school fountain. 5 years was a long time. And they were the best five years of his life.

He hopped out and noticed Yunho and Mingi waving to him in front of the fountain.

He ran toward them and they all exchanged hugs. Mingi gave him the rose and Yunho the note.

"Good luck!" They headed their seperate ways and Yeosang was off to his next stop. He opened the note.

"Where we had our first kiss..."

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