Seongsang (angst, smut, fluff)

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"I'd rather sleep on a bed of needles than share a bed with him."

"And I'd sleep out in the fucking sand than share a bed with you."

All the members sighed loudly.

Yeosang and Seonghwa have been on really bad terms recently.

It started off with silent cold glares and mutual ignorance before developing into snarky remarks and comments whenever the two so much as breathed.

Watching the two most collected members argue was quite entertaining, but that entertainment died down when the two started arguing everywhere.

During practice, in public, at the dorms, the two visuals argued no matter the location, and the members were done with their constant bickering.

So, they had an idea.

Why not take a trip and relax? Surely they wouldn't argue on a vacation right? They wouldn't hate eachother that much...right?

Wrong, so very wrong.

Upon arriving at the hotel they divided the rooms up randomly, and by some twisted "miracle" the Seongsang duo were paired to room together, which neither of them liked, or any one for that matter.

"Hyung there is no way I am sharing a room with him."

"Well I hate to break it to you Yeosang but you are, and that's final."

"But Joong you can't be serious, I can not sleep with hi-"

"I said that's final Seonghwa. You two are sharing a room whether you like it or not. I don't know what happened between you two but this is your chance to fix it. If I have to wake up at 3 am to stop you guys from killing eachother I will grab a slipper, bend you both over my knee and give you a good whoopin, am I clear?"

"Yes Hongjoong."

"Good, now go to your room."

Hongjoong walked away to his hotel room, which he shared with Mingi, leaving the visuals behind to only glare at eachother.

This can only go well...


The first few days weren't so bad, the pair had some arguments here and there but hearing Hongjoong stomping down the hall scared them shitless enough to shut up.

Though, it didn't make them hate eachother any less.

Why did they hate eachother?

Well, cliche as it is, they only hated eachother because both were in denial of their feelings for the other, of course neither of them knew that.

Yeosang had always liked Seonghwa, always seen the older as much more than his hyung.

But, being the stubborn brat he is, he wouldn't tell the older that. He wouldn't dare tell the raven haired male how much he actually loved him.

Seonghwa was in a similar situation.

Ever since he met Yeosang he's had some kind of interest, and as the years went by that interest only grew more and more.

There was just something about the blonde, something that tugged at the olders heartstrings.

But since both were good friends, they feared for their friendship, feared they would ruin it with three simple words, so neither said anything.

How then did this quarrel begin?

Well, it started off with a little slip of the tongue, an accidental escape of unwanted words.

All the members were bored and decided to play a game of truth or dare, but each time they failed to answer a question or complete a dare they had to drink.

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