Sansang (fluff, cute smut TvT)

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It was the first word that came to Yeosangs mind when he thought about his adorable boyfriend San. San was so whiny, clingy, needy, and possessive (in a cute way) towards him and he just couldn't help but coo at the younger. 

San was so adorable in every way and Yeosang couldn't help but love him more and more everyday.


Yeosang turned his head to see his adorable boyfriend approach him.

"Yes Sannie?"

San plopped himself down on the couch next to Yeosang with a pout and gestured to his lips.

"Sannie want kiss please~"

Yeosang cooed and placed a gentle kiss on Sans soft lips. The soft kiss made San smile cutely. Yeosang couldn't help but smile himself and pinch San's cheekies.

"Your so cute Sannie, so so cute!"

"No Sangie is the cutest!"

"No no baby you are the cutest!"

"Can y'all stop being so cute please."

San and Yeosang turned to see Wooyoung looking at them with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh shush Woo your just mad Jongho doesn't call you cute so boohoo." San stuck his tongue out at Wooyoung.

"I am not jealous." Wooyoung pouted.

"He is definitely jealous huh Sangie."

"Yes yes he is def jealous baby."


"Liar liar pants on fire Woo."


"Woo baby," They all turned their heads to see Jongho standing at the end of the stairs with a pout on his face, "if you want me to call you cute you could have just told me. I would have told you how cute you were everyday before you go to bed and first thing when you wake up."

Jongho approached Wooyoung and wrapped his arms around Wooyoungs waist. Then he placed a gentle kiss on his cheek making Wooyoung blush.

"J-jongie...s-since when were you s-standing their??"

"The bed was cold without you, so I came downstairs to look for you."

"J-jongho! Don't say s-such embarrassing things s-so easily!"

While the Jongwoo (Woojong??) couple continued with their bickering, mostly Woo, the Sansang couple had sneaked away to their bedroom.

They plopped themselves on the bed and cuddled eachother placing gentle kisses on one another.

After peppering eachother with kisses they finally decided to sleep. Although San may seem like the bottom here he was the bigger spoon in the relationship. So he pulled Yeosang towards his chest and wrapped his arms around his waist.


"Yes Sannie?"

"I love you~"

"Aww baby I love you too~

They continued to exchange sweet words of love to one another until they both began to lull into a tranquil sleep.

San was the first to wake up from their nap, but that was becasue he had a very naughty dream about him and Yeosang.

In his dream Yeosang was underneath him letting out sweet moans as San desperately pounded into him. Through Yeosangs sweet moans of pleasure he would constantly tell San over and over again how good he was making him feel.

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