Jongsang (fluff, soft smut)

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Jongho and Yeosang have recently been married. Their relationship was perfect and they were happily living together. The couple usually talked about the future but one common thing that came up on conversations was having a child.

Ever since Jongho met Yeosang he knew he was the one he wanted to start a family with. Yeosang was caring, kind, and gentle. He thought that Yeosang would be a perfect mother for their baby.

Of course Yeosang also thought the same. The thought of carrying Jonghos baby filled him with happiness. He love children and he always wanted one of his own.

The thing is, Yeosang wasn't sure he was ready to take that step into their relationship. It would be his first time so he was scared. Thankfulky, Jongho was patient with him and waited until he was ready.

Yeosang went to the grocery store to buy some necessities and groceries. As Yeosang walked down the aisles he noticed a family with a baby. The mother and father were cooing at their baby a bright smile on their faces.

He smiled and continued on his way. On his way to the fruit section he turned to see a little girl run up to him and she was crying.

He bent down to talk to her.

"Hi baby, are you lost?"

She nodded her head and wiped her tears. He picked up the girl and calmed her down rubbing soothing circles on her back.

He made his way to the front and told the employee that the girl was missing her parents. The employee made an anouncement over the speaker and Yeosang waited with the girl. While he waited he started playing with her making her laugh and giggle.

Not long after a couple came rushing over and sighed in relief when they saw Yeosang with the girl laughing.

The mother ran up to him and Yeosang handed the girl over to her. She hugged the  little girl close and apologized over and over for not keeping an eye on her. The  father took the girl from his mothers hands and hugged her as well.

Yeosang smiled watching the scene in front of him and was about to walk away when he heard the father call him back.


He turned around facing the family.

"Thank you, for looking after our daughter. We wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to her. I'm glad she found you."

He smiled at them.

"No problem, I'm glad shes just safe now."

He waved at them and was walking away when he felt someone grab his leg. He looked down to see the little girl smiling at him. He looked back toward the parents who only smiled.

He bent down and embraced the girl into a hug before he finally said goodbye and made his way home.

"Hey baby did you get everything you needed?" Jongho asked embracing him in a hug when he made it home.

"Yes Jongie, can you help me with the groceries please?"

"Of course."

They began bringing the groceries bags in and putting it all away.

Yeosang started making dinner and Jongho helped with preparing vegetable and cleaning dishes.

After they finished eating dinner they cleaned up and made their way to the couch to watch a movie and cuddle.

A little girl appeared in the movie and he remembered the little girl from earlier at the grocery store. He smiled and thought about being able to have his own child to hold one day. He looked down at his belly and rubbed it imagining himself being pregnant with Jonghos baby.

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