Yunsang (smut)

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Yunho was a jealous man. A very jealous man in fact but he never let his emotions show. That was until he noticed Yeosang was cuddling with the other members and not him.

"Mingi! Carry me please!" Yeosang giggled.

"Huh? Hyung are you ok?" Mingi asked confused.

"I'll be ok once you carry me now carry me please!" Yeosang pouted and pleaded with puppy eyes.

Mingi looked at Yeosang and just couldn't resist. He crouched down and reached his arms out for Yeosang.

Yeosang squealed and climbed onto Mingis back.

Mingi stood up and started walking around with Yeosang on his back.

He watched Mingi carrying Yeosang around and how his hands gripped his thighs for support.

He felt his blood boil but again he just couldn't show his emotions.

"Down Mingi! I want to get down now." Yeosang giggled and Mingi did as told. He squat down again and let him off.

Yeosang hugged Mingi thanking him for the ride and pecked his cheek before running off to find someone else to bother.

A blush crept on Mingi's cheeks but he shook his head and walked to his room.

Yunho noticed and it just infuriated him more.

He wanted Yeosang to ask him for something and cuddle with him but everytime he went to the others and not him. It didn't help that Yunho had been crushing on Yeosang for a while now either.

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked around for Yeosang. He found him and a frown appeared on his face. He was snuggled between Wooyoung and San who were babying him.

"Woo! Stop that tickles!" Yeosang giggled.

"I will not! You deserve these tickles you baby!" Wooyoung then proceeded to attack him with tickles.

Yeosang screamed and climbed into San's lap. "San help me! Save me!"

San then picked him up and ran out of the room with Yeosang. Yeosang squealed and held him tight. Wooyoung chased them and finally tackled them both on the couch.

All three collapsed and snuggled Yeosang.

Yunho had enough.

"Yeosang-ah." He said

All three members looked up and Yeosang detangled himself from Wooyoung and San.

"Yes hyung?" Yeosang asked with big doe eyes.

"I need to talk with you. Can you come to my room?" Yunho asked a little angrily.

"Umm ok hyung." He had followed Yunho but turned around to quickly hug Wooyoung and San also thanking them with a peck on the cheek. He was gonna kiss San's cheek when he decided to turn his head making Yeosang peck his lips instead.

"Ah!" Yeosang blushed.

San just winked and blew him another kiss.

That was the last straw. Yunho went over and picked Yeosang up bridal style taking him away from the others.

"W-wait hyung I can w-walk myself." Yeosang protested but Yunho just ignored him.

He opened the door to his room threw Yeosang on the bed and locked it from behind.

"Hey!" Yeosang pouted.

Then he froze he noticed Yunho smirking and slowly approaching him. Yeosang scrambled up against the wall and Yunho continued approaching. He approached the bed and climbed onto the bed.

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