Yunsang (fluff, smut)

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It was a quiet evening and Yunho and Yeosang were out by the pool. Yeosang was sitting on the edge while Yunho was in the pool swimming around.

Yeosang looked over at Yunho and blushed. No matter how many times hes seen Yunho without a shirt he can't help but become flustered. Yunho was very well built and toned. Yeosang couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to be pressed up against his body. His gaze trailed down to Yunhos hands. They were so big. He imagined Yunho's big hands roaming his body, touching him, making him tremb-


Yunhos voice snapped Yeosang out of his thoughts.

"Y-yes Yun?"

Yunho noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. and smirked.

"What were you thinking about?"

He made his way over to Yeosang and Yeosang felt his heartbeat pick up its pace. The closer Yunho got the more flustered he became. He was sure as hell his face was bright red.

Yunho was right in front of him now and Yeosang did everything in his power to not drool over how hot Yunho looked up close. He averted his gaze and looked to the side.

"Sangie, look at me." 

Yunho gently grabbed Yeosangs chin to meet his gaze making him blush even more.

"Now, what were you thinking about huh?" Yunho ran his thumb across Yeosangs bottom lip making him whine.


"Tell me Sangie. What were you thinking about." He ran his hand down Yeosangs jawline making him shiver.

"Y-you." Yeosang whispered.

Yunho loved the way Yeosang slightly trembled under his touch. He decided to tease him further.

"What about me?"

He snuck his cold hands under Yeosangs shirt making him whine and whimper.

"Y-your...h-hands...." Yeosang whined.

Yunho ran his hands along his sides making him moan quietly.

"What about my hands?"

"T-touching my.. b-body...."

"You mean, like this?"

Yunho pinched Yeosangs nipples making him gasp. He continued playing with them making Yeosang even more of a whining mess. He leaned in to Yeosangs neck and started kissing and biting leaving hickeys. Yeosang moaned out and wrapped his hands around Yunhos neck.


"What is it baby?"


Yeosang tugged on his owm shirt and Yunho gladly pulled it off of him. This was the first time Yunho's seen Yeosang shirtless and he had to say. He was gorgeous. He had soft, pale skin and Yunho just wanted to cover it with hickeys.

He started planting kisses on Yeosangs chest making him moan louder. He started making his way down to the hem of Yeosangs shorts.

"Can I?" He asked to which Yeosang nodded eagerly.

He started pulling off Yeosangs shorts and boxers leaving him fully naked.

Yunho admired Yeosangs body. He was gorgeous. Yeosang caught him staring and tried covering himself up.

"Oh no baby, dont hide yourself from me."

Yunho gently removed Yeosangs hands and spread his legs. He lifted Yeosangs legs up slightly kissing his thighs. He made his way down and started circling his tongue around Yeosangs hole.

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