Hongsang (fluff, angst, smut)

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I finally finished it laukpoper 6,000+ words :')

He stared on and on, mind lost in the charismatic features and handsome qualities of his prince, every little detail, every part of him was just so perfect. His little heart beat rapidly, skipping once or twice in between, such action was always a normality whenever he was so much as within 10 feet of the man now sleeping soundly. 

The young servant would have stayed in place, admiring the prince like a pianist admired the white and black keys of his dearest instrument, but the birds of early dawn and the bright greeting of morning sun soon snapped him out of his trance.

Rushing to wake the young prince, but doing so in a gentle manner, as the servant did not wish for the prince to wake in a grumpy mood. 

The prince, after all, was quite fond of his sleep. 

"My prince," he hummed quietly, "Tis time for you to wake, for the sun's rays of early morning have decorated the kingdom." 

Stirring lightly, the prince groaned, not really happy to have been awoken from his tranquil slumber. He took his time to wake, allowing his body to adjust and shake it's once peaceful sleeping state. 

"My prince, are you awake now?"

A familiar soft velvety voice filled the prince's now alert ears, head turning instantly to search for the source of the sound. 

Much to his pleasure, the person he hoped to find was sitting at the edge of the bed, a young beautiful blonde servant boy by the name of Yeosang. 

"Good morning beautiful."

The boy's cheeks tinted a bright pink, clearly shy of the compliment given to him. 

"G-good morning, my prince."

The prince frowned, not quite liking the way the young servant was addressing him so formally. 

"We are alone now Yeosang, you can call me by my name. 'My prince' sounds too formal for me."

"S-sorry Hongjoong." 

Hongjoong waved his hand dismissively, sitting up to intertwine the blonde's hands in his.

"Don't apologize my love, you have done no wrong."

The blonde smiled softly, directing his gaze towards their intertwined hands. His much smaller hand encased in Hongjoong's larger one, fingers beautifully wrapped around one another. 

Almost like they were meant to be. 

It was crazy to think that a few years ago Yeosang was just a mere servant boy for the royal family. Yet it was even crazier to think that only 4 months ago, he would confess his feelings for Hongjoong...and they would be returned mutually.

‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊

Hongjoong had gone to run some errands in the town, finding it to be tiring for his servant if he followed him all over the place like he usually does. So, he suggested the younger to stay at the palace that day and wait for him due noon, to take a day off simply. 

Yeosang had done just that, but since he was bored and not used to having so much time on his hands he decided to help around the kingdom. Working in the kitchen to wash pots and pans or prepare meals, helping the seamstresses sew together a gown for the queen, and assisting the maids to clean up the various rooms in the grand palace. 

Time had chipped away, only a couple hours remaining till the young prince arrived from his travels. So, to spend the remainder of his time, Yeosang decided to head to the palace garden. 

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