Yunsang (fluff)

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It was a beautiful starry night. The distant sounds of laughter and cars driving by was calming.

A slight breeze blew through the night rustling the leaves of a nearby tree.

The river glistened under the moonlight.

Yeosang and Yunho are sitting at the edge of a river under the moonlight.

Yeosang laid his head on Yunhis shoulder and they happily watched the stars above them.

It was silent but it was a comfortable silence that neither one of them wanted to break.

Yunho looked at the small boy next to him and felt his heart skip a beat.

They have been best friends for years now but slowly Yunho has started falling in love.

Something about the small brunette just seems to tug at his heartstrings.

It made Yunho feel all fuzzy and warm inside, and he loved it.

When they first met Yeosang was not at all keen on letting his emotions show. He seemed to be that one cold hearted guy you didnt want to do anything with.

But Yunho saw through the walls Yeosang had built. He didnt see what everyone else saw. He saw a shy boy who was scared of what others would think. He wanted to help Yeosang and thus went up to him and said hello.

That was all it took for Yeosang to slowly let Yunho in.

Yunho realized really quickly that Yeosang was just like everyone else. He was this emotionless zombie walking about. He saw many sides if Yeosang. Shy Yeosang, angry Yeosang, sad Yeosang, baby yeosang, cranky Yeosang, and even sassy Yeosang. He loved all of them.


Because in the end they all came together to create the beautiful angel he had fallen in love with.

Although Yeosang is sometimes cold and he doesn't really let his emotions show Yunho still knows that Yeosang loves him.

He sighs and gently Yunho takes Yeosangs hand in his and faces him with a sweet smile.

Confused Yeosang faces Yunho.


With a deep breathe Yunhi begins

"We have been friends for years now, I've known you for as long as I can remember. Tonight though I wanna tell u something. Yeosang, I love you. I know I say it all the time but right now I dont mean it as friends. I wanna hold you in my arms, kiss your soft lips, comfort you when your sad, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I would do anything for you. Anything to call you mine."

Yunho presses theirs heads together and smiles.

"You have become such a huge part of my life. I dont think I would ever be able to live without you. Its almost as if we were meant to find each other as I'd you were my other half, my soulmate."

He nuzzles Yeosangs nose and whispers.

"So Yeosang, will you be mine?"

Yeosang looks into Yunhos eyes lovingly and then they both stare at each other lips. Yeosang leans in and wraps his arms around Yunhos neck. Yunho runs his fingers through Yeosangs hair and rests them on his waist. They share a sweet kiss under the stars.

They part giggling.

Ever since he had meant Yunho his world was slowly gaining color.

He was always labeled as the kid you wanted to stay away from and not not interact with. He was a freak as everyone would say.

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