Seongsang (smut, fluff)

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Requested by hwadrvg :)

A bright serene beam of morning sunlight seeped through the quivering silver mesh curtains of the window. It covered the room in a nice angelic glow, painting not only the bed, but the bare bodies of those laying limp upon it.

The elder of the two, began to stir awake from his tranquil dreams, the morning sun in his eyes at last forcing them open. He was blinded by the light at first, but quickly adjusted to the burning glow. With his vision now clear he finally took notice of the messy bundle of brown curls in front of his nose, the warm body embraced in his strong arms, and the time of day.

7:45 a.m.

It was a bit too early for Seonghwa. He was debating on whether to go make breakfast or stay and sleep in with his beloved. A low rumble responded to his circling thoughts, breakfast was definitely the way to go.

Though a dreadful thought came to mind, how on earth was he to wake his lover?

Yeosang slept like a rock, unbothered and unaware of anything happening around him. It was just him and his little world of slumber, only leaving until he decided it was time.

The elder laid pondering until a brilliant idea came to mind. The brunette was rather.....horny. A clingy sub who was willing to do anything just to get that ounce of relief he always needed.

So what better way to wake his beloved brunette up than some gentle morning love teasing?

He began to nuzzle his nose in the brunette's soft hair, taking in his addicting vanilla sweet scent. Placing soft and delicate kisses he began to gently suck the neck, collarbones, shoulders, and spine of his beloved leaving light patches of red and purple. A soft sigh leaving his lovers lips, as he began to shake lightly.

When Yeosang did not wake, the elder continued. His hands slowly travelled up and down the youngers small frame, taking in all the dips and curves of his petite body, grasping onto the thickest parts like his thighs and hips, even teasing his soft nipples to swell and become perky.

The brunette simply whined and began to beg for more in his sleep, unaware that he was not in a dream.

How cute.

Seonghwa's rough hands reached out to the lower part of his lover's body, slowly running along his lower stomache and upper thighs before reaching in between his legs. Sure enough his lover's length was semi-hard, leaking a bit of precum

The ravenette's long slender fingers wrapped around the brunette's length gently, as he began to run his thumb along the tip stroking gently with occasional light squeezes in between. The small brunette began to rub his thighs together, quiet moans leaving his slightly parted lips.

A nice steady flick of his wrist, the elder continued on with his teasing, watching as the younger struggled deeply in his dreams.

"H-hwa.... h-hw... hwa.."

Thighs shaking, loud moan escaping, Yeosang's hips stuttered as he released into his lover's hand, thrusting erratically for that last bit of relief. He calmed down quite quickly, unfortunately returning back to his peaceful slumber.

Perhaps the younger needed more than a simple handjob and some light teasing to wake him up completely.

Of course, Seonghwa was willing to go further. Reaching into the bedside table, he took out a bottle of lube. Coating his fingers graciously he began to delve into his lover's tight velvety walls. He pushed a single digit gently in at first, but as he added more fingers he felt the younger push back softly begging for more.

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