Hongsang (fluff)

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"Joongie!" Yeosang whined.

Yeosang has been sick for the last few days and Hongjoong has been taking care of him.


"Baby I'm here what's wrong?" Hongjoong said opening the door to their room.

Yeosang sniffs a little and motions for him to come closer.

Hongjoong approaches and sits on the bed near his sick boyfriend.

He hated seeing him like this and just wanted to magically make him better again. But alas he wasn't some magician who could cure a cold.

"Baby is everything alright?"

Yeosang shakes his head lightly.

"What do you need baby?"

"Your cuddles."

"Aww my baby! Of course I'll give you cuddles" Hongjoong then makes Yeosang sit up gently and pulls him into his lap.

They stay like that and cuddle for a while.

"All better now baby?"

Yeosang shakes his head again and points to his lips.

"Does my baby want a kissy?"

Yeosang nods his head.

Hongjoong pecks his lips gently making Yeosang giggle.

"Anything else baby?" Hongjoong asked happy to see his baby all giggly.

"Mmm another kissy?" Yeosang asked shyly.

"Aww I'll give you all the kisses in the world! Come here!" Hongjoong peppered his face with kisses and planted one last one on his forehead.

"Hongjoong! It's time for prac- Oh my bad hyung..." San had walked into them cuddling.

"Ah tell the others I'll be right their in a moment ok?" Hongjoong said while gently removing Yeosang from his lap.

"But Joongie *sniff* I dont want you to leave *sniff*.." Yeosang tugged on his shirt all teary eyed.

He looked like a sad puppy and it shot right through Hongjoongs heart but he needed to go practice.

"Baby I'm sorry but I need to go practice ok? I'll be back as soon as possible!" He kissed Yeosangs forehead and left closing the door.

Yeosang was sad but he knew Hongjoong needed to be their so he pulled out a sketchbook and started to draw in order to pass the time.


Hongjoong had closed the door to the room and the smile left his lips. He didn't want to leave his baby alone but as the leader he needed to be their for his members. He made it to the practice room all sad.

"Hey you made it- Hyung are you ok?" Jongho asked concerned.

Hongjoong has been sad recently due to the fact that Yeosangs been sick and unable to be with them. It brought everyone's mood down since they all wanted Yeosang to be better too.

"I'm fine jongho let's get started." He said with a small smile.

After about an hour and a half they decided to wrap up.

Hongjoong hurriedly packed up and changed. He waited impatiently for the others to pack up too. He wanted to get to Yeosang as soon as possible.

Seonghwa noticed his impatience and decided to let him go early.

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