Woosang (angst, fluff)

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That was what came to my mind when I first saw you.

Your soft fluffy pink hair and your bright blue eyes. Your cute little nose and rosy cheeks. Your cute smile and your pretty lips.

I would catch you walking around the school halls alone. You would have your head buried in a book. Or you'd be sketching underneath a tree.

I wanted so bad to talk to you. To see you up close. To hear your sweet voice and get to know everything about you.

And so one day I did.

I was quiet nervous as I walked closer and closer to you. My heart was leaping out of my chest and my palms were getting sweaty. Then you turned around and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes. I panicked but you smiled and patted the grass next to you. You said hello and asked me my name.

You go to know me and I got to know you.

I got to see you up close and you were just as beautiful as you were from afar. I listened to your sweet voice and your cute laughter. It was like a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake up from.

Eventually you and I became the bestest of friends. We were inseparable. No matter where I was you were their. And no matter where you were I was their. It was like we were glued together, and I liked that.

You would come over to my house and we would play games and talk. We would goof around and you would let me watch you draw.

Every moment I spent with you I found myself drawn more and more towards you.

I was falling in love with you.

I was scared. I was scared that maybe you didn't feel the same. I was scared that you'd want to stop being my friend. I was scared that you'd end up walking away while I desperately tried to pull you back. I was scared....of losing you.

And so I hid my feelings from you. It wasn't easy for me. Having to be so close to you yet so far. It was eating away at me slowly. You'd ask me if I was ok and I'd tell you I'm fine. And yet you always knew I wasn't. But I could never bring myself to tell you why.

And that was my fatal mistake.

We nade it to high school and you met someone. And before I knew it you were already dating. My heart shattered when you told me. I felt it was hard to breathe and my whole world came crashing down.

But I smiled and told you I was happy for you. I tried so hard to move on but I only longed for you more.

He kept taking you away from me and I could do nothing because I was just your friend.

I watched how he held you, how he kissed you, and how he made you happy. I was being tormented and I was slowly falling apart.

4 years of pain, 4 years of misery, and 4 years of regret.

You drifted far from me and I could only watch you leave. No matter how hard I tried to get you back you only drifted farther.

I tried so hard to forget and move on but you invaded my thoughts every day, every night, and everything in between.

My longing for you grew more and more and it was getting out of hand. I decided I needed to tell you. I needed you too know.

I waited for you that day but you never arrived at school. I was worried and stressed but I decided maybe you stayed home.

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