Q&A questions needed pwease ( ˙꒳​˙ )

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Alrighty so since the votes were varied, some wanting the special oneshot (which most wanted christmas themed) others the prologue, and some the q&a (literally only like two of you aksed-) I've decided to just give you all everything :D

So on December 25th you will be getting a q&a, 9 oneshots (if I can even finish them by then-), and finally the prolouge and first chapter of my new book :)

With that being said for the q&a I need questions, so please leave them here and on December 25th I will answer them all in a seperate chapter :3

You can ask ur questions through pm as well if you aren't comfortable asking them publicly ^_^

Remember if by any chance I feel uncomfortable by your question I have the right to deny you an answer, but I'm not worried about that with you all, I trust you crackheads wholeheartedly ( ˘ ³˘)♥

And that's all for now bye bye (  ・ω・)/

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