Seongsang (fluff)

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It was a quiet evening. The distant sounds of laughter, the soft humming of cars, the soft meows of a kitten, and the barks of a playful puppy.

They were all comforting in a way.

Seonghwa looked over the town once more sighing before he jumped from the branch he was sitting on.

He started walking through the dense dark forest. Tree after tree after tree.

Nothing but trees.

That's why he liked flying up to the tallest tree and looking over at the city below him.

It always calmed him down and it was a beautiful sight to look at. He loved hearing the liveliness of the city. But it also pained him.

As a demon he couldn't blend in with the humans and as much as he tried they would just ran away calling him a monster.

He eventually gave up and secluded himself in the forest. No one ever came into the forest because everyone knew of his existence.

He just wanted to be happy like them. He wanted someone to talk with, someone to hold, someone to love.

Was that too much to ask for?

He's lived like this all his life and he should be used to it by now. But he always felt alone.

He looked up at the sky above him.
The sky was cloudy and dark, the moon barely visible.

Oh how he wished a bright light would come and light up the night sky.

He sighed and continued walking through the forest.

He was tired.

He wanted to rest for the night and decided to head towards the little lake in the middle of the forest.

He quitely walked toward the lake when he heard beautiful singing.

Who could that be?

He cautiously walked toward the source of the sound. He was nearing the lake as the singing got louder and louder.

He hid behind a tree and looked for the source of the sound.

His eyes landed in front of him where a beautiful boy was sitting at the edge of the lake on his knees. He held a flower in his hand and was singing softly.

"Even if it's a lie, their are words I wish someone would say to me, 'You don't need to worry, 'You're doing just fine', 'Just keep it up'..."

Seonghwa couldn't help but feel sad.

He could feel the dark aura around the boy. He could feel strong emotions of fear, sadness, and loneliness.

"Why is my life so dark? What always makes it hard? I can't grasp my heart, pressure is on my shoulders..."

He could feel the emotions of the boy through his voice. Although singing such a sad song the boy looked at the sky and sang with a smile.

"No matter what some people say, no matter what some people hate, no matter what the things that make you sick, Just keep it up, so everyone can see, more and more, just keep it up..."

He watched as a tear had rolled down the boys face.

What made the boy so sad?

Seonghwa wanted to tell him hes okay, that everything will be alright and that hes doing great. He wanted to touch him. To wipe his tears and hold him in his arms and never let him go. To kiss him and tell him hes loved.

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