Minsang (fluff, slight angst)

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Complete polar opposites.

That's what everyone described the Minsang couple as.

Mingi was the bad boy of the school. He wore tons of leather, ripped jeans, had bright red hair, and painted his nails black.

Yeosang was the shy pretty boy of the school. He wore lots of oversized sweaters, pastel colors, had bright pink hair and crystal blue eyes, and he loved wearing flower crowns.

Now how did they end up together?

It was a very ordinary Monday. School was just as boring as ever to Mingi. There was nothing for Mingi to do. He didn't talk to anyone because they were all scared of him.

He always had a menacing glare even thought it was unintentional. Everyone mistook it as him trying to scare people off. Eventually he got used to it and was an outcast.

As he roamed down the halls he kept his head low avoiding eye contact. He heard people whispering about him but he didn't care.

He continued walking till he heard something interesting.

"Did you hear about the new kid?"

"Oh my god I saw him earlier and hes so pretty."

"Yea he really puts girls to shame."

He looked up at the group of people. They immediately stopped talking and were visibly frightened.

"Where did you see the new kid?"

"H-he was at the g-garden."

"Thank you."

As he left he heard them let out a huge sigh. It was the usual thing people did whenever he talked to them.

He made his way down the halls and out into the back of the school. He made his way across the field and finally he was at the entrance to the garden.

He opened the gate and began looking around. Finally in the distance he spotted some bright pink clothing. He made his way and then stopped.

Sitting in the grass was a boy with a pink oversized sweater, bright pink hair and a flower crown on his head he looked absolutely stunning.

The boy was sitting and drawing a butterfly he had on his finger.

Mingi approached closer but accidentally steeped on a branch.


He looked up to see bright blue eyes staring back at him. They entranced him making it hard for him to look away.


The boys voice was smooth and gentle.

"Oh...hi...uh...sorry I scared your butterfly away."

"Don't worry about that. I already finished drawing. Would you like to see?"

Mingin was confused.

"Y-your not scared of me?"

The boy tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in a cute way making Mingis heart skip a beat.

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