rAw BaCoN, hAlF cOoKeD eGgS, bUrNt pAnCaKeS, aNd UnWaShEd fRuiTs aNd VegGiEs

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^ If you know you know ;)

Alrighty then, I have been tagged by KangYeosnack YEOSANGSFRIEDCHICKEN and Seongjoong_Forever :D

Alrighty then, I have been tagged by KangYeosnack YEOSANGSFRIEDCHICKEN and Seongjoong_Forever :D

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So here we go OwO...

1. My name is Kaylyn but my friends usually call me Kk and lyn :)

2. People always tell me I look sad or mad because I don't smile much but thats only cause I hate my smile and if I do smile I cover my face with my hands TvT

3. I am 4'11 :< (say I'm cute or short and I'll delete your kneecaps-)

4. I am extremely terrified of butterflies :0

5. I love dad jokes and puns so much like y'all don't even know. Once in 6th grade my friend took a piece of paper and ripped it in half while saying I guess you can say you HALF detention! Haha.....ha....get it? Half and have....heh......I laughed for a good ten minutes not gonna lie o_o

6. Although I listen to a variety of music genres I tend to, no matter my mood, listen to sad music the most :')

7. I got into kpop two years ago in February after my mother got into a car accident. The first song I ever listend to was BTS Blood Sweat & Tears :D

8. I became an atiny on November 27th after I kept getting Treasure as an ad. I finally decided to listen to the song and well.....ateez are now my ults and I am undeniably whipped for Kang Yeosang O_O

9. Unlike the rest of my family I enjoy reading alot. My favorite book was probably Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and my favorite book series was the Dreamhouse King series by Robert Liparulo, although I never got to finish the series because in high school they don't have his books TwT

10. No matter how hot it is I will always be found with a sweater on. Yes people have called me crazy but they can't do nothing about it :]

11. I am currently 15 and will turn 16 on August 28 :)

12. I'd like to major in psychology and at first it was because i heard (from Stephanie Soo's mukbangs👀) phscyologist usually get to see criminals and serial killers and learn stuff about them and I wanted to do that but now I want to get into psychology because its very interesting learning and understanding how the human brain works ^-^ (also I watched the Standford Prison Experiment and it was very IncH rEsTiNg)

13. I like to write sad poems in my free time. My most recent one is called Raindrops.

"No matter where I am

It is always raining

The cloud over my head

Won't stop crying

It scares people away

Leaving me all by myself

To dance alone in the rain

With nothing but rain itself

I will continue to wait

Even if the rain never stops

For someone else to dance with me

To the sound of raindrops."

I kinda wanna make this a Yunsang story but I'm not sure yet :0


I'm tagging 15 peeps and you are free to do this or not. Please don't feel pressured to do this if you don't want too :D
















That is all :D

Have a good day/night and I wuv you all♡

Also sorry if this wasn't an update I'll get one up soon :)

And it may or may not be some spicy smut ;)

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