Woosang (angst, fluff)

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Wooyoung woke up to the sound of someone silently crying.

His eyes adjusted to the dark room. He looked around and noticed Yeosangs bed was empty. He frowned and quietly got out of bed.

He walked out to the living room. It was dark but he could faintly make out a figure sitting on the couch. They were curled up into a ball and were crying quitely. He approached the figure slowly but accidentally hit his toe on the couch.

"Ouch!" He grabbed his foot and cursed under his breath.


He looked up to see Yeosang looking at him with a tear stained face.

He ignored the pain in his toe and walked over to Yeosang. He sat down next to him.

"W-what are you doing here?" Yeosang said.

"Well I heard someone crying and you weren't in bed so I came to find you."

"O-oh....I'm sorry for waking you up."

"Don't apologize."


Wooyoung pressed a finger to Yeosangs lips shushing him.

"It's fine Sangie."

He removed his finger and reached for Yeosangs hand lacing their fingers together.

Wooyoung then patted his shoulder softly.

Yeosang looked at him confused.


Wooyoung rolled his eyes.

"Lay your head on me."

Hesitating Yeosang laid his head on Wooyoungs shoulder and slowly he started feeling relaxed.

All the pain he felt before had slowly faded and was known replaced witha a sense of tranquility.


"Yea...how'd you know?"

"I always know Sangie." Wooyoung chuckled softly.

Yeosang smiled and snuggled closer to Wooyoung.

Its always been like this.

Ever since they became friends Wooyoung has always been there for Yeosang. Whenever he was sad, mad, or upset Wooyoung would always stop whatever he was doing to help him. He also knew how Yeosang felt. Even when Yeosang lied Wooyoung always knew how he actually felt.

Yeosang hated it at first. No matter how hard he tried to hide his feelings Wooyoung always knew how he actually felt. It annoyed him at first because Wooyoung would constantly ask him if he was ok and what was wrong. He just wanted to be left alone then.

One day he broke down and Wooyoung was quick to be there for him. Wooyoung stayed by his side all night and listened to Yeosangs problems. That was when he realized how lucky he was to have someone like Wooyoung in his life.

Ever since that day Yeosang started opening up to Wooyoung more. Wooyoung always knew how to make Yeosang feel better.

Most importantly he always listened.

They stayed like that for a while until Wooyoung decided to ask.

"You wanna talk about it?"

Wooyoung felt Yeosang tense up a bit.

"You dont have t-"

"I had a dream."

Wooyoung closed his mouth and prepared to listen.

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