Seongsang pt.1 (angst)

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Seonghwa slammed his hand on his alarm silencing it. He opened his eyes to see the bright sunlight shining through his window.

He sighed and looked over to his right side. The space beside him was empty. He kept staring at the empty space thinking of a certain someone.

"How long are you going to keep staring *giggle*?"

He groaned and finally decided to get out of bed. Throwing sheets off of him he made his way to the bathroom. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and styled his hair.

He went back into the room and walked towards his closet. He pulled out a white button up dress shirt, black dress pants, and a black blazer. He grabbed some black socks and a black tie from his drawer.

He quickly changed and grabbed his tie to out it on. He wrapped it around his neck and started looping it. He looked at himself in his mirror. The tie looked a bit off.

"Can't even tie a tie silly. Here let me help you."

Seonghwa sighed and started untying it. He took off the tie and threw it back in his drawer.

"I guess no tie today either." He chuckled dryly.

He found a pair of shoes slipping them on and made his way downstairs. As he made his way downstairs the smell of pancakes filled his nostrils.

"I made your favorite today, come and eat!"

He made his way into the kitchen only to find it empty. He smiled bitterly and decided to make some toast and coffee.

He grabbed two slices of bread and popped them into the toaster. While the bread was toasting he started making his coffee.

As the coffee was brewing he heard the small ding of the toaster go off. He grabbed the toasted bread and spread some jam on each slice. He prepared his coffee and sat at the dining table.

As he ate he looked up to see the empty chair across from him. Memories clouded his head but were erased when he heard his phone ring.

It was his boss. He picked up his phone and answered.


"Hey Seonghwa, I just wanted to let you know I'm cancelling work today. My wife is sick and I need to take her to the hospital. I hope you can understand."

"Of course sir, take all the time you need."

"Thank you Seonghwa, I knew you'd understand. Enjoy your day off."

The call ended and he sighed.

He went up stairs and changed out of his work clothes. He put on a plain black shirt and some grey sweats.

He walked back downstairs and plopped himself on his couch. He let out another heavy sigh and started thinking.

My wife is

"Oh for fucks sake."

He let out a frustrated sigh and decided to watch a movie. He grabbed the TV controller and put on a random movie.

The movie seemed interesting and he was enjoying it so far. That is until a scene of a happy couple came on.

They were seated on a blanket in a park staring up at the night sky. The womans eyes twinkled as she looked at the starry night. She turned to the man.

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