Yeosang x Ateez pt. 1 (smut)

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Requested by Sinfullneeds :]

CW: bdsm, bondage, overstimulation, degrading kink, shibari, spanking kink, choking kink, dollification

Perhaps it was the way the rope dug into Yeosang's flesh.

The way the series of bindings crisscrossed against his naked figure beautifully, accentuating his curves and small feminine frame. Black rope restricting his hands behind his back as a thick silk blindfold obscured his vision, leaving him helpless as he sat obediently on his knees. His bound body quivering with much notable excitement, awaiting for the first to come and play with him.

Whatever it was, all seven males shared one sole thought, their little doll looked so beautiful.

Jongho was the first to approach him. He inched towards the helpless male with large and heavy steps, smirking as the elder shook with every step he took closer. By the time he was at the foot of the large bed, he had abandoned all materials of clothing and slipped out of his dress shoes, his belt held tightly in his left palm.

With his free hand he began to caress the elder's jawline, slowly inching towards his throat to form a rough grip. He pressed tighter, a choked out moan leaving the blonde's now parted lips.

Yeosang, by hands alone, was able to identify the first person as Jongho. The youngers choking kink was something you could never forget.

Rough kisses were placed on his jaw and neck, lips soon making their way up to his ear before whispering in a low tone.

"Pretty doll are you ready to play?"

It indeed was Jongho.

Pushed down onto his stomache, the blonde was ordered to keep his ass up into the air, anticipation bubbling deep inside his body. He jerked when he felt the younger smack his bottom with the help of a leather belt, a low moan unknowingly leaving his lips.

Over and over again, Jongho continued to smack his dolls ass painting the flesh a deep scarlet red, tears already running down the sides of his pretty face.

The blonde gasped when he felt the younger spread him wide open, fingers discovering the toy buried deeply inside him, a small hum of amusement following shortly after.

"Slut couldn't wait for us to fuck him huh? Is that why this little toy is buried so deep inside you? Couldn't wait to be filled up with our cocks so you prepped yourself early hm? Such a naughty little thing."

The poor blonde could only pathetically whine, hips wiggling in satisfaction as Jongho continued to mess about with the toy inside him. Though the pleasure was short lived, the younger soon pulling out his fingers and the toy leaving his needy hole to clench around nothing.

Oh how he needed to feel full again.

"M-master... please full.. want to feel full. Want your cock please.... please master... slut wants your cock... please..."

The familiar nickname plastered a small smile on Jongho's face, cooing as the blonde began to plead desperately for his cock.

"Needy aren't you slut? How cute."

He pushed his fingers back into the blonde's aching hole, curling and brushing them up against the velvety walls of his doll in a steady rythmm. Gleefully watching as the blonde squirmed with every touch, shameful pleads for something more pouring from his lips. When he deemed the younger ready he took the slick from his fingers to coat his own length.

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