Hongsang (fluff)

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It was another quiet night and Hongjoong was outside his balcony. He hasn't been able to concentrate at all these past few days and he knew very well the reason why.

Two months, or so, ago he went to a coffee shop he hadn't been too before. He heard some good things about it and decided to go and relax a bit.

He had his camera and sketchbook with him and decided to sit at one of the tables in a corner.

It was a little late but nonetheless it was a beautiful night.

He didnt know why but that day just seemed a bit more lovely and beautiful to him. He took out his camera walked outiside and snapped a few pictures of the sky and the moon.

The coffee shop was near a river so he had an amazing view of the scenery.

He snapped a few more photos and looked around the area. He saw a couple walking by and laughing in the distance.

What a great day to spend with someone you love.

He sat back at his table and decided to sketch a few pictures. He looked around at the people and couples walking out of the shop and decided to sketch them.

He sketched a girl with short hair, a couple staring at the night sky, a family, and a boy with headphones.

Content with his work he decided to draw one more person. He looked around to see who he would draw next. Then he heard the door open.

His eyes landed on a boy with soft pink hair and blue eyes. He wore an oversized sweater making him look small. He had on a pair of round glasses making his eyes look big and doe like.

He was beautiful.

"Hi what can I get you cutie?" The employee asked making the boy blush.

"A-ah uhmm j-just one i-iced americano p-please?"

"Sure thing cutie can I have your name?"


Yeosang....what a pretty name.

"Alright cutie your drink will be out in a moment." The employee sent him a wink making him blush even more.

After recieving his order Yeosang thanked the employee making his way outside. He sat at one of the tables in the corners and set his coffee down. He grabbed his bag taking out a sketchbook some watercolours, some brushes, and some pencils.

So he was an artist too?

Hongjoong watched as Yeosang happily painted away. He was to say the least mesmerised by the boy. He started sketching Yeosang in intricate detail. When he was finished he was very well satisfied with his final results.

He had drawn Yeosang resting his chin on his palm while he painted away with a smile on his face.

He stared at the final piece lovingly.

He would have continued staring had he not been snapped out of his trance by a phone call. He checked to see that it was his bestfriend, Seonghwa. He picked up and answered.


"Hey Joong! How are you?"

Hongjoong looked at the boy one last time with a smile on his face.

"Couldn't be any better."


Ever since that day he realized Yeosang seemed to come around the same time and sat in the same place.

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