Jongsang (angst, fluff)

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Yeosang and Jongho had grown up together ever since they were kids. There parents were friends and would often come over to Jonghos house to visit.

At first it was awkward between them but soon they became so close they were practically inseparable.

Even in school they were glued together. Attending all the same classes and spending every opportunity together.

Unfortunately, in their Junior year Jongho had some different classes so he couldn't be with Yeosang as much anymore.

Being separated from Yeosang took a toll on Jongho. Since he was young he had this admiration for Yeosang. Whenever he saw Yeosang or was with him his stomache had butterflies, his heartbeat picked up, and he became nervous.

It was a strange feeling he never felt before. But as he grew older he understood.

He was in love.

Jongho had waited so long to confess to Yeosang waiting for the perfect moment.

And one Friday afternoon Yeosang asked him if he wanted to hang out after school. Jongho agreed and couldn't wait till the school day was over. The day passed agonizingly slow but soon his last class had ended.

He made his way to the school gates and waited for Yeosang. Surely enough in the distance he can see a familiar pinkette running towards him with a smile on his face. 

First they went to grab something to eat, then they headed to an arcade, then they went shopping and so on.

The whole time Jongho couldn't help his beating heart. Just looking at Yeosang brought a smile to his face. He couldn't be much happier than by Yeosangs side.

After hanging out the whole afternoon they walked to a little park. They sat on the swing and just looked out at the dark night.

"Hey Jongie?"

"Yea Sangie?" Jongho turned to look at Yeosang.

"C-can...I tell you something?"

"Of course. I'm listening."


He watched as Yeosang began fumbling with the sleeve of his sweater and a light blush coated his cheeks.

"I..I think I'm in love."

Jongho felt his heart pick up its pace and he felt his palms start to sweat.


Yeosang took a deep breathe.

"Since we don't see eachother as much...I was rather lonely in my classes. I was the outcast and no one talked to me. B-but...this guy I met, Jungkook...he came up to me and talked to me. Whenever he saw me alone he talked to me. Talking to him I felt less....less lonely and he makes me happy. Hes really cool and handsome and I thought nothing of it. But whenever I saw him I....I got butterflies in my stomache and my heart skipped beats. I....I realized I was in love."

Jonghos heart shattered into a million pieces. But all he did was smile and tell Yeosang to confess before it was too late.

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