i died sorry-

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So life kind kept screwing me over so I decided "ya know what fuck life who needs to live anyway?" and proceeded to die and be dead for about two weeks, or however long I was gone-

Anywho I am back now, still kinda dead inside but who isn't right?

During my times living in the coffin I was doing alot of writing... sadly not for this oneshot book, but writing for some.... other books👀

( May or may not have created a whole bunch of stories that are just as depressing as I am :'D )

But yes anyways I am back now, I shall update soon but I am currently in the process of moving so updates will still be slow...unless I pull all nighters everyday...

Pfft who needs sleep anyway? Sleep is for the weak-

Aha, but yea I is back, I am okay, just kinda went through stuff but I am back now :>

Doubt anyone missed me but to those of you who care thank you very much :)

Alright I need to go, my classes start in a few minutes, love you guys :3

Did y'all know when you follow me I go to your profile and check if you have any books so I can read them when I have time? So far alot of you are amazing writers, I've been reading your books silently because I dunno I just feel like you'll think I'm weird if I read your book- ITS STUPID I KNOW BUT MY MIND JUST KEEPS TELLING ME THAT DJSBJDBS

But from now on I'll comment, vote and support in general cuz jesus some books I've become addicted too just sitting and waiting for that next update dhjshdishsh

Anywho, that's all. I am not a stalker I promise I just really love my readers and want to support them in any way I can :')

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