Hongsang (smut)

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Hongjoong was walking towards his boss's room. He was called up but he had no idea why. He made his way through the police station until he stopped in front of his door. He knocked and waited for a response.

"Come in."

He walked in to greet his boss.

"Good afternoon sir, you called me?"

"Ah Hongjoong yes I need you to head on over to the ward and take a look at our most recent serial killer."

His boss handed him a file which Hongjoong looked through.

"His name's Kang Yeosang, age 20, and he has quiet the reputation."

As Hongjoong looked through the files his eyes laid upon a picture of a young man and god was he gorgeous.

"This is the guy?" Hongjoong said pointing to the picture.

His boss nodded his head.

"Quite the beauty huh? Too bad he's murdered over 22 people in the past few months. Anyways I need you to go over their and take a look at him see if you can get anything out of him. I'm leaving this to you Detective Kim."

And with that he was dismissed.

Hongjoong sat in his office analyzing the files going through every paper to learn more about this guy.

So only goes after men huh?

With a body and face like that he'd be able to seduce anyone. No wonder he's gotten this far without getting caught.

Hongjoong put away the files packed his bags and headed home to rest.


Hongjoong was walking through the halls of the ward until he came to a cell at the very back. He looked through the cell doors too see a small male in the middle of the room facing away from him.

"Kang Yeosang?"

The male turned around and holy fuck. He was WAY more stunning in person. Those pictures did not do him justice.


His voice sent shivers down Hongjoongs spine. It was so quiet and gentle yet deep and smooth like honey. Oh how would it sound if he said his name or even better scream-

He shook his head getting rid of any thoughts.

"Umm I'm Detective Kim but you can call me Hongjoong."


God the way his name rolled of his tongue was making Hongjoong hard.

"Alright I'm going to ask you a few questions ok?"

"Why don't you come in? I don't bite."

A small smirk appeared on Yeosangs face and it had an effect on Hongjoong but he didn't try to show it.

"I can't come in Yeosang. I had orders not too."

"But Hongjoong I'm so lonely in here."

Yeosang stood up and made his way towards Hongjoong. That's when he noticed Yeosang wasn't wearing anything but a large dress shirt and some boxers. His legs were nice and smooth and his thighs were thick.

Yeosang reached a hand out to Hongjoong chest. And slowly leaned into his ear.

"Maybe you can keep me company."

That's when he felt Yeosang grab his bulge making him groan.

"Mmm you like that?" Yeosang whispered.

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