Yeosang x ateez (crack and fluff)

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"Care to explain why Yeosang almost choked you to death right now?" Seonghwa said looking at Wooyoung while Mingi hugged a pouting Yeosang tightly in his lap.

"Well, we were having an argument-"

"I know that knucklehead now tell me why."

Wooyoung huffed but continued on anyways.

"Well we were looking through twitter together and we stumbled across a thread of Yeosang being cute. Curious we looked through it and I thought all the pics and vids of Yeosang were absolutely adorable  so I said Wow Yeosang you really are a cutie pie...."


"Well, he said no. And I said yes. Then he said no. Then I said yes and on and on until he got so frustrated he literally pounced on me like a kitten and I somehow managed to escape but then he pounced on me again and almost choked me but then you showed up and well here we are..."

"So your telling me Yeosang almost cut off your oxygen supply because you called him cute?"


Seongwha sighed and turned his attention to Yeosang.


"I did nothing wrong."

Seonghwa raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure about that."

"Indeed I am. Now can you tell Mingi to let me go-"



"Yeosang you almost killed Wooyoung. Had Mingi and I not come back from the store he'd probably be dead right now."

"He had it coming."

"And why is that?"

"Well..... he called me cute."

"And you think your not cute?"


"Yeosang are you serious right now?"

"As serious as Hongjoong was when he said he was good at all positions."

"Eye- that's it I'm calling a meeting. Also Mingi don't let go of Yeosang."


About 30 minutes later all the members were seated around the living room. Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Yunho sat on one couch while Jongho, San and Mingi who still held Yeosang in his lap were seated on the other couch.

"Alright now that everyone's here I have a very important question to ask." Seonghwa said.

"How many of y'all think Yeosang is cute? Raise your hand."

Eveyone in the room, except Yeosang, raised there hands.


"Majority rules Sangie." Hongjoong said laughing.

"Okay but like what the fuck about me is cute? Literally nothing."

"I'd like to argue with that." Seongwha said pulling out a piece of paper.

"Did you prepare that beforehand?"

"This is war Sangie. I gotta prove to you that your absolutley adorable."

"Enlighten me."

Seonghwa cleared his throat and began to read.

"Alright, so first off your eyes are cute especially when you laugh and they turn into little crescents like that's just adorable. Second your nose is cute when you scrunch it and you look like a kitten that just sneezed. Third is your birthmark because it looks beautiful and cute under your eye and you need to show it off more. Fourth is when you get embarrased because you look like a bunny that's trying to hide wherever you can and your ears turn red and that's just takes all my uwus. Fifth is your laugh because it brings a smile to everyone's faces and that's cute. Sixth is when you eat cause you pout when you eat and tend to make a mess and that's just baby energy. Seventh is your cheeks because jesus christ I could squish them all day long. They are just so chubby and soft and absolutely fucking adorable. Eighth is your lisp when you talk because you sound so cute and I just wanna hear your talk all freaking day. Ninth is when you are sleepy because you get real clingy and just look absolutely adorable like a kitten when your sleeping peacefully and softly snoring. And finally tenth is when your just being yourself because although you can be a brat you have a really soft side and when you show it I can't help but die of cuteness. I could go on but we'd be here for days."

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