Seongsang pt. 2 (smut/fluff)

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The forest was no longer a dark place for Seonghwa. Ever since the first encounter, Yeosang and Seonghwa have grown inseparable.

Every day and every night was spent with eachother.

Their relationship was going at a slow pace as Seonghwa didn't want to rush Yeosang. But Yeosang wanted to take their relationship to the next step.

Seonghwa and Yeosang were sitting near the lake cuddling into one another.

It was a lovely star filled night and they were happily watching the stars throught the leaves of the forest.

"Hey starlight..." Seonghwa whispered.

"Yes my moon?" Yeosang whispered back smiling up at the older.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Seonghwa smiled.

"Only like a million times." Yeosang giggled.

"Well I'd say it a million more times for you my starlight." He leaned in and gently lifted Yeosangs head up so his beautiful blue and yellow eyes were staring right into his dark brown ones.


Yeosang and Seonghwa stared deeply into each others eyes. Yeosang looked at Seonghwas lips and Seonghwa looked at Yeosangs.

The tension was high. They needed eachother.

They clashed lips gently kissing passionately. Quickly the kiss was getting rougher.

Seonghwa liked to always take it slow but something about today just felt right. He ran his fingers in Yeosangs soft blonde hair loving the feeling of it slipping in between his fingers.

Yeosang quickly climbed into his lap and wrapped his arms around Seonghwas neck. He longed for this everyday and he was more than excited.

Seonghwa pulled away making Yeosang whine which was quickly replaced with a gasp when Seonghwa started biting his neck.


Seonghwa was biting his neck leaving purple and red marks all over Yeosangs beautiful pale skin.

"Your so beautiful...." he whispered against Yeosangs skin making Yeosang whine.

"S-seonghwa....I...I...n-need you....p-please...." Yeosang softly moaned.

Seonghwa looked up and saw Yeosang panting slightly with water eyes. His cheeks dusted a pretty pink.

"Your so cute." He kissed Yeosang and gently pushed him onto his back.

Yeosang softly landed on the grass beneath him and through watery eyes stared right back at Seonghwa.

Seonghwa gently started removing their clothes.

Yeosang was sprawled out in front of him his beautiful pale skin glistening in the moonlight.

"Beautiful" he whispered.

His hands started to roam Yeosangs body making him shiver under his touch.


Seonghwas hands travelled farther down and he started rubbing Yeosangs inner thighs.

A small whine escaped Yeosangs lips.


Seonghwa started leaving kisses all over Yeosangs thighs making him close his legs unintentionally.

"On all fours baby" Seonghwa chuckled

Shyly Yeosang rolled over and spread his legs for Seonghwa.

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