Woosansanghwa (smut)

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Saffie dis for u mwah •3•

It was a late evening on December 25th.

Most having already spent the entire day sharing gifts and celebrating Christmas. Whether with friends or families, the merry holiday of December was celebrated joyously and was at last coming to an end.

Though in a certain household on the corner of the street, the merry holiday was only just getting started for a young blonde and his three boyfriends.


Wooyoung and San were seated on the carpeted floor of the living room, laughing their lungs out as Seonghwa pouted and hung his head low in defeat.

They were playing a nice little game of battleship, but of course with the crackhead duo any simple game would turn into real war.

"Park Seonghwa lost! Park Seonghwa lost! Park Seongwha lost!!"

Wooyoung and San continued chanting the phrase over and over again taunting Seonghwa. They even went as far as circling around the older while clapping, just so the idea of him losing was as clear as day in his head.

The trio went on with their bickering, the eldest trying to get the younger males to shut up and the younger males trying to rub the elders loss in his face.

It wasn't until a soft honey filled voice called out their names that they all fell silent. They turned their gaze to the direction it came from, eyes landing at the top of the stairs where in all his beauty stood their boyfriend, Yeosang.

He wore a silk robe, the dark velvety color contrasting beautifully with his pale skin.

They stared in utter disbelief, eyes wide open and jaws hanging low. It was not by Yeosang's incomparable beauty, that was something they would never in a million years get over. But their disbelief resided in the fact that the robe was a tad bit see through and from what each individual could tell it seemed as though Yeosang wore absolutely nothing underneath.

Yeosang noticed this, and he sure as hell loved it. He loved it so much he wasn't able to stop the small smile forming on his face.

"So who lost?"

"S-seongwha did..."

"Hmmm, guess he deserves a punishment for losing huh?"


"Come up stairs, now."

With a small twirl, Yeosang retreated back to their bedroom. The light fabric lifting up slightly to unfortunately confirm the three male's thoughts. Yeosang indeed, had nothing underneath that robe.

The three rushed in to the bedroom, groans leaving their lips as they saw the blonde perched prettily on the bed. The silk robe sliding off his shoulders exposing his collarbones and chest, the lower fabric riding up his thigh teasingly tempting each and every one of the three to just rip the rest of the robe off the blonde's body.

Next to Yeosang was a black box, on top of it were some ropes and a piece of long fabric, and to the side of the bed was a chair.

"Woo, Sannie, come here."

The blonde called them with his finger, and both practically ran to him, eagerly seated on either side of his body.

Yeosang looked at Seonghwa, who still stood in the doorway, and with a smirk the blonde made his way towards him.

He pulled the eldest by his collar, clashing their lips together in a sweet kiss. They made out for what Wooyoung and San thought was forever, finally at last pulling away with a sigh, a single string of saliva being the only thing that connected them.

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