Seongsang (smut)

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Seonghwa watched silently as his boyfriend, Yeosang, was getting ready to go out with some friends.

The pinkette had told him a few days prior, that some close friends, Wooyoung, Hongjoong, and San, had invited him out for a night of fun. It all seemed normal, just a night out with friends, but Seonghwa had a different outlook on that.

Sure his friends knew they were in a relationship, and they as well had their respective partners, but that didn't stop strangers from eyeing his boyfriend up and down.

Yeosang was stunning, absolutely gorgeous.

Soft wavy pink locks, eyes a shimmering baby blue, lips a cute shade of pink almost always curved into a soft pout, his frame small and feminine, though he was older than Yeosang by one year, the elder couldn't help but see him as his pretty soft baby.

Even his outfit for the day, made him look so soft and pretty.

White high waisted frilly skirt, pink knee high socks that hugged his thighs so nicely, soft pink cropped sweater hanging off his left shoulder exposing his delicate pale skin, baby pink lace choker decorating his neck beautifully.

Who wouldn't want to get their hands on him?

Call him possessive, but Seonghwa just wanted to make sure no one laid their hands on his Yeosang tonight.

So right as the pinkette was about to leave he decided to do something.

"Sangie," he called out to the younger who in turn faced him with a puzzled look, head cutely tilted to the side, "could you come here for a sec?"

The pinkette waddled over, fingers fumbling with the sleeves of his sweater as he approached the ravenette.

Once close, Seonghwa grabbed Yeosang by his waist and set him in his lap, hands resting on his hips gently. The younger looked confused, a small smirk making it's way onto Seonghwa's face.

"Aren't you forgetting something baby?"

His gaze lowered to the exposed skin on Yeosangs neck, eyeing a certain spot lustfully. Yeosang followed his gaze and soon blushed at the sudden realization, a small whine leaving his lips.


The elder only smiled as he attached his lips to the younger's skin, kissing softly at first before sucking gently. He wanted to leave a visible mark, wanting to make sure everyone knew the pretty pinkette was taken.

Yeosang moaned softly, eyes already glazed over from the intimate contact on his skin. He was so lost in the feeling, he didn't notice how needily he whined when Seonghwa pulled away.

His whine in turn, made a small smile creep it's way onto Seonghwa's lips as he looked up at Yeosang softly.

"Do you want more Yeosangie?"

Shyly the pinkette nodded, rolling his hips softly to portray how much he wanted this right now. Seonghwa smiled, before leaning into the younger's ear and whispered,

"Then go call your friends and tell them you have some more important stuff to do okay?"

Yeosang hurriedly grabbed his phone, calling Wooyoung about how something important came up and he couldn't join them anymore, he did this all while Seonghwa continued to paint his skin a pretty flushed pink.

Once the call ended, Seonghwa wasted no time in bringing the needy boy up to their bedroom, laying him gently on the soft white sheets of the bed. In one swift motion he removed both of their clothes, decorating the bedroom floor with his clothing along with Yeosangs, but he left the thigh thighs on, loving the way they looked on the younger.

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