Sansang (fluff)

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San loves every little detail about Yeosang. From his fluffy hair, to his smooth voice, and most importantly to the birthmark under his left eye.

He loves his birthmark so much he takes pictures every single time Yeosang has it out because he rarely does.

San was heading towards the practice room and as he walked in he noticed Yeosang was off.

Although Yeosang didn't express himself much San could tell the difference.

He decided to ask Yeosang after practice.

The members continued practicing for about 2 hours and Yeosang still seemed off. As soon as the members left San decided to ask Yeosang what was wrong.

"Yeosangie? Are you okay?" San asked softly.

"Y-yeah. Why do you ask?" Yeosang said quitely.

Yeosang normally wasn't so quiet and he never really stuttered so San knew something was wrong.

"Come here." San decided they would talk in his room. He pulled Yeosang toward the dorms and into his room. He locked the door making sure no one would be able to walk in and interrupt them.

He pulled Yeosang toward his bed and sat on the bed facing Yeosang.

"Ok now that its a little more private, Yeosang, will you tell me what's wrong?" San asked hoping Yeosang would talk.

Yeosang just started playing with his fingers avoiding San's gaze.

"Hyung, look at me please?"


San gently grabbed Yeosangs chin and raised his gaze to meet his. He noticed Yeosangs eyes become teary and Yeosang began to cry.

San let go of his chin and immediately pulled Yeosang into his lap rocking him back and forth like a baby.

Yeosang just continued crying into his shoulder. San had never seen Yeosang like this before so he thought that Yeosang needed some time to let out his emotions. He continued rocking Yeosang back and forth and was rubbing circles on his back.

After a while Yeosang stopped crying and was sniffing slightly now. His breathing had calmed down and he seemed to loosen up a bit.

"Are you okay now baby?" San whispered into his ear.

Yeosang letting the nickname slide nodded his head.

"Do you wanna tell me now?" San said running his fingers through Yeosangs fluffy hair.

Yeosang debated whether to tell San. He didn't want to bother San with his problems. But he also wanted to tell someone because he wanted comfort and just to let out all the emotions he had been building up.

Recently Yeosang had been growing to hate himself and his body. He found every negative thing to say about himself. He hated the way he looked the most and especially the noticeable birthmark under his left eye. He thought it made him look hideous and that it was ugly. He wanted to hide it from everyone so no one could see it.

He had been having these thoughts for weeks. He hated going to the bathroom and looking into the mirror. He hated practicing cause their were mirrors everywhere. He hated taking selfies because he thought he looked ugly in all of them so he would never post.

Sometimes he would feel confident in himself and go around without make-up. But once he looked in the mirror he had to cover up in any way he could.

It was taking a toll on him emotionally and yesterday when everyone was sleeping he cried all night. He didn't sleep and thought he could hide it behind make-up but San noticed.

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