Sansang (angst, fluff, smut)

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Warning: Mentions of suicide, drugs, abuse, scars, brusies, bodyimage,

"Choi San."

San looked up from the cold bed of his prison cell to meet eyes with the rather frightening looking security guard standing right outside the open metal door of his cell.

"You have a visitor, let's go."

The security guard pulled San to his feet, cuffing his arms in metal handcuffs attached to long silver chains

Harshly, the guard pulled his arms leading San down the various dark halls of the prison. They walked on for a while passing by various other cells filled with prisoners who have committed crimes just like him, maybe even worse.

They stopped in front of a large metal door, the guard taking out a keycard and scanning it into the door. The metal doors opened abruptly letting San and the guard through.

Down the hall they travelled, until making their way to yet another door, and much like the first the guard opened it with his key card, except this time their was no more dark halls to walk down, but a room full of people sitting opposite of eachother with a glass wall in between them.

San was led all the way to the end of the row of people.

This was the room for prisoners to have a chance to communicate with perhaps loved ones, family, or friends. But for San he didn't even need to think twice about who had come to visit him.

He quickly made his way to the end of the row of people, to the only empty seat in the room. Sure enough the persons he's wanted to see most in his life was sitting their waiting for him.

Sitting down in the chair he startled the blonde male sitting across from him, but soon the male had tears running down his cheeks.

They both picked up the phone placed on the table, holding it close to each others ears.


That voice, that sweet honey voice.

That voice, that was like a childs lullaby to Sans ears, taking away all his pain, sadness and fear, lulling him into a tranquil sleep. The voice that chased all his worries and problems away bringing him a sense of comfort and relief. The voice of the person he's wanted so long to just hold and touch. The voice of his lover, Kang Yeosang.


Warm tears rolled down the sides of Sans face, he couldn't help it when he was overwhelmed with so much emotion, so much guilt and fear.

"Yeosang...I'm so sorry."

San couldn't help his tears, that poured out of his eyes like a gushing waterfall. He has so much to say, yet all he could do was cry in front of his lover.

"San don't cry please...please don't cry."

No matter how much Yeosang begged San to stop crying he only cried harder, as if all the guilt inside him was bursting out through the warms tears that painted his cheeks.

But if Yeosang was in his position, he might be crying a river too.

It all happened so fast, in such a blurr, Yeosang still thinks he might be dreaming.

On the early morning of Monday, June 27, Yeosang had awoken to the sound of shouting and police sirens. He adjusted his vision to blinding Ray's of the morning sun and rolled over to his side, only to find his lover nowhere in sight.

The sound of shouting and police sirens growing more evident to Yeosangs ears. He threw a pair of shoes on and walked over to his window to see what was going on.

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