Seongsang (smut)

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Seonghwa and Yeosang were happily walking hand in hand to a little ice cream shop for a date.

It had been a while since they had been able to properly go out so they wanted this time for themselves.

They arrived and Seonghwa opened the door for Yeosang and they both entered.

They took their place in line and waited their turn. Yeosang was busy looking at the flavors of icecream while Seonghwa was on his phone.


Seongwha looked up from his phone and saw an old friend of his seated at a table not to far.

"Yunho?" Seongwha walked over to happily chat away with his old friend.

"Hey Seong-" Yeosang looked over to see his boyfriend was no longer their. Confused he started looking around and noticed his boyfriend happily chatting away with someone he didn't even know.

He furrowed his eyebrows but turned around when he realized it was his turn.

"Hi! What can I get you?" She asked kindly a smile on her face.

"Hi! Umm can I get two scoops of salted caramel and two scoops of vanilla please?"


"How much is it?"

"10 dollars."

He took out his wallet and handed her his credit card. She scanned it and told him to give her a few minutes.

He watched as she prepared two cups and started scooping in the ice cream flavors. She grabbed two spoons and handed him the ice cream.

"Enjoy your day!"

"Thank you you too."

He took the ice cream and headed over to where his boyfriend was chatting away with this unknown man.

"I got your icecream." Yeosang said handing Seonghwa the vanilla ice cream and a spoon.

"Oh thank you!" Seonghwa happily took the ice cream and started eating.

Yeosang pouted but nonetheless sat next to his boyfriend.

"Umm Seongwha aren't you going to introduce me?" The man had said.

Seonghwa looked confused but then realized.

"Oh yes! Sorry Yeosang, this is Yunho an old friend of mine from high school. And Yunho this is Yeosang my boyfriend."

Yunho smiled widely at Yeosang and Yeosang shyly smiled back.

The two continued to talk while Yeosang ate his ice cream quietly. Every now and then he'd look at Yunho enviously.

This was supposed to be a date for just the both of them. And now he felt like he was a third wheel.

He sighed and took out his phone and decided to text his bestfriend.

                                                         hey woo

Hey Sangie!
How's my favorite bff doing?

              woo I'm your only bestfriend -_-

your still my favorite


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