Minsang (fluff, smut)

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Yeosang woke up to sound of his alarm. He opened his eyes and started stretching his arms out. He looked over and noticed his boyfriend sleeping soundly. He removed his boyfriends arms from his waist and quietly got up reaching for his phone.

He opened his phone to see a notification.

Woo's pool party!

Every year Wooyoung decides to host a party and this year it was during summer so a pool party was a great idea.

Yeosang went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He changed into one of Mingi's large hoodies and some shorts which were barely visible under the hoodie. He slipped on some slippers and headed down to make breakfast.

He was whisking some eggs together when he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist and press gentle kisses on his neck.

He giggled knowing it was his lovely boyfriend.

"What are you gonna make baby?" Mingi said resting his head on top of Yeosangs soft brown hair.

"Just some french toast. Are you hungry?"

"Yea but not for french toast..."

"Well what do you wanna eat."

He felt Mingi run his cold hands under his hoodie making him shiver. He nibbled on his ear and in a husky low tone whispered,


"M-mingi!" Yeosang whined clearly embarrased.

Mingi pulled away laughing and watched as Yeosangs whole face was a bright tomato red.

"I was kidding baby," he kissed Yeosangs lips gently and caressed his cheek.

"Now, would you like me to help you?"

Yeosang nodded his head and the two began making the food. Mingi was cooking some bacon and frying some eggs. while Yeosang was making the french toast. They plated two plates with 2 pieces of french toast, eggs, and bacon and drizzled syrup and some fresh fruits on the toast.

They took a seat at the dining table and happily ate away.

When they finished they cleaned the table and washed the plates.

"Baby do you wanna watch a movie?" Mingi asked smiling when he saw Yeosangs eyes sparkle.

"Yes please!" Yeosang practically jumped up excitedly.

"Ok, what would you like to watch?"

"Can we watch Frozen II please?" Yeosang asked with puppy eyes.

"Of course."

They headed over to the living room and made themselves comfortable on the couch. Yeosang cuddled into Mingis side while Mingi wrapped his arm around Yeosang waist. He pressed play and they began watching.

Yeosang was really immersed into the movie until he felt Mingi put his hand on his thigh. He thought nothing of it and continued watching.

And he would have continued ignored it if Mingi didn't keep inching his hand closer and closer to Yeosangs crotch.

He looked at Mingi but Mingi only watched the movie making it seem like he wasn't doing anything at all.

Yeosang pouted, but then got an idea. He crawled into Mingis lap straddling him and slowly started kissing his neck teasingly.


Yeosang only continued kissing him rocking his hips against Mingi.

Mingi groaned and grabbed Yeosangs ass giving it a tight squeeze. The gesture made a soft moan escape from Yeosangs lips. They continued grinding against eachother getting more and more desperate.

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