Seongsang (soft smut)

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Seonghwa and Yeosang have been dating for a few years now. The couple enjoyed fheir time together going out on dates, cuddling, and kissing and occasionally touching. It never went further than that.

You see Yeosang was very inexperienced and innocent so Seonghwa who was more experienced took his precious little time with him.

He was patient and loving making sure Yeosang felt safe and comfortable at all times. Yeosang appreciated just how caring Seonghwa was of him. He couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

One day the couple found themsleves in bed cuddling together. Yeosang was talking about a book he had read but Seonghwa wasn't listening. He was watching Yeosang lovingly. He loved they way Yeosangs eyes seemed to sparkle. His cute little nose scrunch every now and then. His rosy cheeks. His beautiful birthmark under his left eye. His soft pink lips he's kissed many times before.

"Seonghwa?" He looked at Yeosang who furrowed his eyebrows

"Were you not listening to me?"

Seongwha reached out a hand to caresses Yeosangs cheek.

"I was admiring your beauty my love."

Yeosangs cheeks flushed pink.

"Cute." Seongwha rubbed his thumb on Yeosangs bottom lip and looked into his eyes. Yeosang nodded his head and Seongwha leaned in kissing yeosang gently and slowly.

Yeosang wrapped his arms around Seonghwas neck. Seonghwa moved so he was on top of Yeosang. The kiss started getting rougher and Yeosang was softly moaning. They parted gasping for air and Seonghwa leaned in to gently kiss Yeosang's neck.

"Seonghwa I need you~" Yeosang moaned.

Seonghwa stopped and looked at Yeosang.

"Are you sure precious?"

Yeosang nodded his head shyly and Seonghwa smiled.

"I'll be gentle okay petal?"

Yeosang nodded his head and smiled.

Seonghwa started kissing Yeosangs neck again making Yeosang moan. He kissed further down and gently removed Yeosangs shirt and clothes.

Yeosang laid their covering his face from Seonghwa shyly. Seonghwa smiled and removed his hands "Your beautiful angel. Dont hide yourself from me."

He proceeded to kiss Yeosang all over his chest leaving red and purple marks. He gently maked his way to Yeosangs thighs. He kisses them so lovingly watching as Yeosang shivers ever so slightly.

He reaches over in a nearby drawer for some lube and starts coating his fingers.

"This might hurt a little. Tell me if it's to much for you ok doll?"

Yeosang nodded his head

Slowly Seonghwa starts inserting one finger. Yeosang closes his eyes gasping and clenching the bedsheets.

"Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you sweetheart."

Seonghwa takes his time making sure to keep the pain to a minimum. He eases a second finger in. Soon he has three fingers in thrusting slowly.

Yeosang was already a whining and moaning mess. When he knew Yeosang was ready he pulled his fingers out. Yeosang whined at the loss of his fingers making Seonghwa chuckle.

Seonghwa stood up and began taking off his clothes. He reached over for some more lube coating his length.

He spread Yeosangs lega and positioned himself.

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