Woosang (fluff, smut)

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A week.

A whole week that Wooyoung hasn't been able to see Yeosang due to work and his studies.

He missed Yeosang so much and he couldn't take it anymore.

He dialed Yeosangs number waiting for him to pick up


Wooyoung missed hearing his sweet angelic voice.

"Baby how have you been?"

"I've been good...a little tired but I'm happy to hear your voice.... I really miss you..."

He couldn't see it but he knew Yeosang was smiling and blushing.

"Aww baby I missed you so so much."

"I missed you more Youngie...."

Wooyoung couldn't contain himself any longer. He needed to see Yeosang.

"Baby are you free this weekend?"

Their was a short pause on the phone and it was making Wooyoung anxious.

"Mmmm.....actually I am!" Yeosang said excitedly.

"Good I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a suprise"

"Oh... I'll see you tomorrow then okay Youngie?"

"I'll see you soon too baby I'll come around your house at 9 am. Ok?"

They said one last goodbye and hung up. A smile was plastered on Wooyoungs face. Finally he was gonna see Yeosang.


Yeosang was getting ready in his bedroom. He was so excited for today. They hadn't seen each other in so long and Yeosang missed spending time with his boyfriend.

He dressed up in some tight black ripped jeans that hugged his thighs nicely, an oversized white sweater that slipped of his shoulders exposing his neck and collarbones, and his usual Dr. Martens.

He checked himself in the mirror and decided he would put on a choker.

He looked though his collection of chokers and decided on a black lace choker with a little bow on it.

He smiled happily at his reflection and went to wait in the living room.

About 10 min later he heard a honk outisde and checked through his window to see if it was Wooyoung.

He opened his curtains slightly and smiled seeing his boyfriend waiting outisde his car.

He grabbed, his wallet, keys and phone and headed outside.

Yeosang saw Wooyoungs eyes widen and he shyly walked over to him.

Wooyoung immediately pulled him in for a kiss and his hands immediately wrapped around his waist.

"Who are you trying to seduce baby?"
Wooyoung whispered into Yeosangs ear making him shiver.

"N-no one." Yeosang stuttered.

Wooyoung trailed kisses towards his neck making Yeosang gasp.

"W-woo not h-here."

Wooyoung smirked and slipped his hands underneath Yeosangs sweater. His hands roamed his body earning soft whimpers from Yeosang.

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