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Author's POV

Kai entered the room just as he finished talking to the doctor about Sehun's condition. His eyes caught a little boy still standing beside the bed.

He sighed deeply and closed the door behind him. His legs brought him closer to the boy.

"Jungwoo?," he called out and pulled a chair nearby before sitting down beside the bed.

Jungwoo turned to the elder who called him. His eyes were swollen because of the non stop crying since just now together with his reddened and puffy cheeks.

"Samcheon," he pouted and jumped into the elder's arms. "When will Sehunnie wake up?," he muffled in the middle of the hug.

Kai took a glance of his unconscious lover on the bed and looked away with pool of tears gathering under his eyes.

He hummed to calm himself down before he fixed his gaze on the little boy. The elder brought the boy to sit on his laps.

"Sehunnie will wake up soon," he tried to reassure the little boy. "We should let him rest for a bit, okay?," he ruffled Jungwoo's hair affectionately.

Jungwoo nodded his head but his eyes were still fixed on Sehun. He didn't like this feeling, he didn't like seeing Sehun like this. He missed seeing those sweet smiles.

It was no difference for Kai. He wouldn't want any other things but to see Sehun.

The doctor explained to him about his condition and he could at least felt relieve to know Sehun was fine and he only needed few times to rest his body. But he still needed times until he would wake up.

As the two young people were in their own deep thoughts, the door of the room was opened and a figure entered it.

"Jungwoo?," Suho approached both of them with a worried expression. He widened his arms as the little boy began running over him.

He ran right into Suho's arms. "Mommy," he finally cried out, sobbing hard inside the elder's embrace.

Suho slowly ruffled his hair to calm him down. He planted a kiss on the top of his son's head, muttering few comfort words into his ears.

As soon after that, Kris approached both of them. He then turned his gaze towards the younger brother of him and looked at him in concern.

It must be hard for Kai.

He moved to him and rested his hand on the younger's shoulder. "Hey, he will be fine," he said, comforting the brother.

Kai looked up to his eldest and nodded meekly. "I feel bad for not protecting him," he uttered slowly while he fixed his eyes on the figure laying on the hospital bed.

Kris sighed deeply. "It was not your fault," he reminded him. "I'm sure Sehun wouldn't like it if you keep blaming yourself like this," he continued.

The younger only nodded as a response.

"Um...I already called Luhan and they are already on their way here," he said to break the silence. "You don't have to worry okay?," he tried to appease his brother.

"Thanks, I didn't remember at all to tell them," he internally face-palmed himself for not remembering it at all.

Kris patted his shoulder to show support. "I will get going now," he said as he saw Jungwoo was already sleeping inside Suho's arms. "Don't tire yourself and get some rest, okay?"

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