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Sehun's POV

"I'll go home first," Baekhyun uttered as he was standing at the doorway. He turned to look at me once again.

"Take care of yourself," he reminded for the recent times. "I wouldn't force you but at least think about what I told you," he stated again.

I stuttered for a while before my head nodded slowly. "I will, Hyung," that answer from me made him looked satisfied.

He smiled widely at me before this time started walking away from me towards his car and got into it after waving at me.

I responded with a smile while waving at him until his car lost from the sight and stepped into the house afterwards.

"What should I do?," those words came out from my lips as I plopped down on the sofa.

It was really confusing and frustrating right now. Those words from Baekhyun just now were running inside my mind.

What he said were true after all, really true but why was it still so hard for me to do anything?


He really never hurt me at all. Even when I knew my words and actions towards him were hurtful enough but he only responded with a smile.

No harsh actions or words escaped his lips but only a smile broke into his face everytime I acted like that.

"Sehun?," that familiar voice sounded and startled me from my own thoughts.

I stood up right away. "Chanyeol Hyung?," the tall guy curled up his usual smile at me before plopping down beside me.

He hinted me to sit down and I did. "Baekhyun Hyung came just now," I broke the silence after a while since he didn't say anything.

Chanyeol nodded as a reply. "I know, he already told me," he uttered before the place was filled with silence again.

It was really tense and I didn't if it was just me who thought like that.

"H–How's everything?," those question was the only thing I could think of for now and I even stammered.

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows, probably weird to be hearing that question from me.

"Do you mean, how is Kai?," he lifted one of his eyebrows while uttering that in a teasing tone.

I pouted in annoyance, snorting as my face was surely had gotten red. It was true...actually..

"I–I didn't ask about him," a loud huffing came out from my lips. Of course I would not admit that I thought of him.

I were just too...shy.

Chanyeol let out a chuckle while looking at me. "But your eyes showed it all," he stated and released a heavy sighing.

"You're worried right?," he suddenly asked which I didn't expect it at all. I sealed my lips, speechless and didn't know what to say.

What should I say now? What did I feel exactly?

I actually—

"Yeah," finally I said out. I could not ever lie to Chanyeol cause he would eventually knew about it.

So there was no use at all to be lying to him. He could read other people easily.

"He's fine," Chanyeol curved a satisfied smile as soon after that. "It's just the whole office need to deal with his mood," he grinned awkwardly.

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