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Author's POV

Jungwoo was still clinging with Kai since just now. This would usually happen when Kai came to visit.

He would completely forget about his parents when Kai was with him.

Like right now,

"Samcheon, eat this," Jungwoo stretched his arms to take his biscuit and fed the elder.

Kai chuckled lightly and took a bite of it. "You should eat too, Jungwoo," he took the napkin and wiped the little boy.

"Kai, how is your work?," he lifted his head to look at his brother in law who just asked the question.

He nodded. "Everything is fine for now, Hyung," he replied.

Suho curved a light smile. "Your new assistant?," he suddenly questioned. "How is it?," Kai turned his attention to the elder.

He glanced at his eldest brother. He knew it was Kris who told Suho everything about it.

"He's good, for now," Kai responded as he didn't know what else to say about Sehun.

He was sure it would be good. But he was actually hoping Sehun would do any problem?

"I hope it will continue to be like that," Kris suddenly uttered while he was focused on the cell phone.

Kai snorted in annoyance. "It will, don't worry about it," he retorted and chose to play with Jungwoo.

Suho shook his head while seeing those two brothers in silence. This would always happen when these two met.

Both of them were too stubborn.

"Samcheon," the little boy suddenlt called out and looked up at his uncle with an innocent stares.

Kai curled up a fond smile. "Yes, Jungwoo?," he ruffled the boy's hair softly.

"Can samcheon stay here with Jungwoo?,"  he suddenly questioned while his head truckled down.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows after he heard that. "Why do I need to stay here hm?," he asked.

Jungwoo lifted his head and pouted his lips. "We can play together! Jungwoo wants to sleep with samcheon," he said while flashing his shining eyes.

Kai's hand moved to pinch the little boy's cheek. "Samcheon will sleep with Jungwoo tonight okay?," as soon as he said that, Jungwoo was beaming out of excitement.

He was jumping inside of the uncle's arms before walking down to his mother.

"Mommy!," Jungwoo exclaimed and spreaded his arms for his mom to carry him up.

Suho chuckled lightly before lifting his son. "Yes?," he stroked the boy's hair gently.

"Kai Samcheon wants to sleep with Jungwoo tonight!," he told the mom in an excited voice as if Suho didn't listen to their conversation just now.

Suho smiled. "Really? Then Jungwoo needs to clean up the room, Samcheon doesn't like a messy room," he uttered to the little boy.

Jungwoo seemed like he was thinking for a while before he turned to Kai and the elder nodded.

"Okay! Jungwoo will clean the room now," he stated before getting down from his mom's laps and sprinted into his room.

Suho stood up from his seat afterwards. "I need to go and see him," he said before walking to the room as well.

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