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Author's POV 


Sehun greeted half-heartedly when he walked out of his room. He flopped down at the table and slammed his bag on the other chair.

Luhan frowned his eyebrows in confusion and looked up to meet Kyungsoo's stare. It was obvious that something happened that caused Sehun to be like this.

"Are you okay?," Kyungsoo carefully asked in concern. 

Sehun looked at him for a second before releasing a heavy sigh. "Nothing, just pissed off," he answered and harshly bit on his bread.

"About what?," Luhan asked and pretended to read something on his phone when Sehun turned to him with those steely glare. He kinda got the idea of the reason.

The younger sighed again. He then turned to the elder who seemed frightened of his swinging mood. "Hyung," he called out.

Luhan looked up. "Yeah?"

"Whenever you went on any business trip was it hard to even send a text?," Sehun's eyebrows snapped together that showed his anger. 

Luhan glanced at Kyungsoo. He could sense where this was going and the causer of all these things this morning.

"W-Well it depends," he unsurely replied. "Sometimes I don't even have times to tell Kyungsoo because of the problems happening there," he continued.

Sehun huffed harshly. Not satisfied with the answer. 

Kyungsoo took a deep breath. "I'm sure Kai will text you soon, okay?," he slowly said. "He might been so busy that he forgot to inform you," he said.

The younger huffed for the recent times. 

"But Hyung I will not be this mad if he told me," he clinched his teeth in anger. "He didn't even tell me about this business trip and I will never know about this if I didn't ask Chanyeol Hyung about it!," he snapped. 

Kai had asked him to take a few days leave before getting in the office again. Sehun also planned to stay at Luhan's for a while as he didn't get to spend times with them much nowadays.

But that guy had the audacity to not even call him before going somewhere else.

He only knew about it when he called Chanyeol to ask about Kai's whereabouts as he didn't even reply to his texts since yesterday.

If it was only for one or two days he could still consider it but it had been seven days with no calls or texts! Who would not been mad?

"I will make sure he cannot meet me after this!," Sehun exclaimed. 

He was not that clingy boyfriend type that needed his lover's attention every single times. 

The younger sighed again before standing up from his seat and grabbed his bag. "I will go now, it is getting late," he stated as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Let me send you today then," Luhan drank his coffee in one gulp and stood up.

Sehun shook his head. "It is fine, Hyung. Your office is the other way around from mine so I will just take the cab," he refused.

Luhan looked unsure about it. "But- are you sure?"

Sehun nodded and walked towards the front door after bidding goodbyes to the elders. 

He was really not in the mood to even attend work actually but staying at home would not make him feel better either. So he decided to go to work instead.

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