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Kai's POV


That was one way I can describe my job. It was really freaking dangerous, for yourself or even people around you.

Reason why I chose this wat was simple. I loved it, and it had already became part of my life.

"Master," the men uttered and bowed down deeply every time I passed by them.

I only nodded without saying or replying anything, just a slight nod. That was what they called me.

A heavy sigh came out from my lips as I plopped down on the seat inside of my room.

"Come in," I demanded as the knocking sounded from the door and soon a guy walked in.

He stood up right in front of me before bowing slightly. "Yeah, Chanyeol?."

Chanyeol nodded and started going through the file he brought with him.

"You have a meeting and you need to go now," he stated. I nodded before standing up from my seat.

I turned to look at him. "What is it this time?," I asked while we were walking to the car parked outside.

He was walking behind me and followed every steps I took. "To discuss about the contract," he stated.

My head nodded. "About the informations leaking, have you found the culprit?," I questioned while we were walking downstairs.

Chanyeol took a deep breath before replying. "I have asked Lay and Tao just like you ordered," he swang the door opened for me to walk out.

"They were still finding out," he continued.

A black luxury and expensive car was parked right in front of the building. The man standing there opened the door as soon as he saw me.

"I want it to be done as soon as possible," I demanded while getting in the car.

Chanyeol got in and sat beside the driver. "Yes, Master," he stated before asking the driver to go.

It looked normal? Well you didnt see the whole thing yet.

Few minutes after, the car stopped at the front of a building.

The door was opened and I walked out. "This place?," I questioned while eyeing the whole place.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes, Master."

He began to walk first and opened the front door for me. But suddenly I caught something not far from us.

I glanced slightly before curving a smirk and got into the building afterwards.

"Mr Kim, I'm so glad that you decided to come," an old-looking guy was the first thing I saw as I entered the room.

Used to it, so it was not something new that people would say these things to me.

I nodded and approached him. He offered me to sit and we began the talk.

"Regarding the contract, I believe you already made a decision right?," he stated and offered a drink.

"Contract?," he nodded as I asked that. "Well, I never sign any contract with you."

He only replied with a low chuckling which made me smirk. "You really know how to joke, Mr Kim."

I frowned while looking at me and soon his laughter stopped. "You promised that you will sign," he seemed nervous and I was the one chuckling now.

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