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Author's POV

Kai slammed the car door harshly as he entered. He dialled on his phone and waited for the other to pick up.

"Hyung, I-

"What happened?! I heard from the men about Jungwoo," he could hear the anger and worry inside those voice. "Where are you guys right now?," the elder sounded really trouble.

Kai sighed out deeply. "We are going back right now," he knew it was part of his fault as well for letting Jungwoo alone.

"I'm so sorry, Hyung," he muttered. "I really should look after him carefully and this ting would not happen to him," he glanced at the side and Sehun was still in his silent mode.

He was still panicked of what just happened.

Kris was sighing deeply. "It is not your fault, just come home so we can discuss this," he said those with a tired voice.

He knew he could not blame Kai for everything. Kai would not let this thing easily, mostly if Jungwoo was included.

Kai nodded slowly before he ended the call.

"That bastard,"

His head snapped to the side as he heard that. He honestly never heard an angry curse coming out from Sehun.

As he realised, his hand moved to grasped the other's. "I will find him and bring him back," he uttered softly, stroking their intertwined hands.

Sehun looked up to him with an expression that only filled with anger. His jaw hardened and his fingers clenched into a fist.

"He does this because he wants to get rid of me," he hissed those under his breath. "I will never let him off easily," he was looking angrier.

Only if he knew that Sehun was capable of doing unexpected things if the thing really made him mad. He still have that blood running all over his body after all.

He pulled out his phone from the pocket and dialled the number he had been dying to call since just now.

Kai was looking at him with a frown, confused. "Sehun, what are you going to do?"

But he got no answer for it. Sehun ignored those and focused on to wait the other to answer his call.

As the other picked up, his chuckle filled up the air. "Well did not expect you to be calling me though," was the things he heard.

"You are really challenging me this time, Daniel," Sehun uttered with a lower tone, pushing in his anger.

"What else can I do?," Daniel scoffed. "This is the only way to get rid of disturbance like you!," he exclaimed which could be heard by Kai.

He was about to snap at him if only Sehun didn't stop him at that moment.

Sehun scoffed. "Disturbance? You might want to call yourself with that 'cause it suits you better than me," he retorted.

Daniel clinched his teeth in anger. "I guess this boy is the only way to shut your big mouth," he snickered while glancing at the boy.

"Listen to me properly, Jungwoo has nothing to do with our problems," he jolted out from his seat. "It is me who you should face and not using a kid as a bait."

"What a coward."

"What did you just say?," Daniel was getting furious.

"If you are that brave enough come and get this boy by your own," he stated. "Only in this way we can get our problems settled," he continued.

Sehun sneered. "Sure, I'd love to."

He ended up the call with a frustrated and annoyed feelings. As he turned to his side, he could only see his boyfriend looking at him in awe and proud stares.

"Why are you looking at me like that?," he frowned as the latter suddenly leaned closer to him.

"You know, if we are not in the middle of problems I would surely kiss you until you beg me to do more," he half-whispered those to him which made the other reddened in embarassment.

He snorted. "Stop blurting out nonsense and go now," he was still trying to hide away his reddening face.

Kai chuckled as a reply and started the car, driving it away.

"You look sexy when you are mad, I wish I could-


As they entered the house, the first thing they saw was Suho and Kris' worried face. They totally understood why and they would do anything to make sure Jungwoo would be safe.

"Sehun, are you okay?," Suho walked towards him, making sure he was fine. "Did anyone hurts you?," he looked worried.

Sehun almost dripped his own tears as he heard it. Despite the fact that his son was kidnapped, he could still ask Sehun whethee he was okay.

He wrapped the elder with a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, Hyung," he muttered apologies under his breath. "I will do anything to make sure Jungwoo is safe," he said again.

Suho silently cried his tears out. Of course he was worried, it was his only son.

"It is not your fault, Sehun," he stated to the younger. No one was to be blamed for this except for Daniel obviously.

Jungwoo was a strong boy and he really hoped nothing happened to the little boy.

He looked up with his already swollen eyes, turning his gaze towards Kris and Kai. "Please bring him back to me?," he muttered.

Kris could not bear seeing his husband in that condition. He pulled the shorter into his arms, stroking his hair to calm him.

He was a mess himself but he knew Suho needed someone to be with him at this moment.

"I promise I will bring him back," Sehun uttered, firmly and sternly. "I will finish him if he dare to do anything to Jungwoo."

Daniel might belittle him and looked down on him but he didn't know what he was capable on doing. Even Kai was surprised by this side of him.

He was in his thoughts, plotting his plans to kill the guy when he felt a soft touch on his hands which turned out to be his lover.

"You have me by your side," Kai declared while holding onto his hand, grasping it gently.

He just wanted to let Sehun know.

Sehun shot a soft and genuine smile towards him. He glanced at their intertwined fingers and into those deep orbs that never failed to capture his attention.

"I know."


This is a bit short I guess? I'm sorry if the story is getting weird huhu 🥺❤️ I'll try to make it longer for the next one and hope you enjoy it! 🌹💖

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