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Author's POV

"Hyung, I miss you," Sehun stated as he was on the phone with Kyungsoo. He sat himself on the sofa.

Kyungsoo let out a grin from the other side after hearing it from Sehun. "Me too, I miss you too," he replied.

"When will you come back then?," the younger asked and his lips pouted.

It had been few months after they left him and honestly he missed seeing them.

"I'm not sure about that," Kyungsoo sighed out deeply as a response. "The problems here is not settled yet so we can't be back yet," he said.

Sehun nodded even though Kyungsoo could not see it. "It's okay then, I'm doing fine here," he uttered.

"Really? How's your new work then?," the elder questioned.

"Everything is fine for now although the boss is quite annoying," Sehun replied to that with a snorted.

Kyungsoo chuckled lightly. "Sounds like you adore him, Sehunnie," he stated.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows to protest as heard that. Adore that annoying boss?

Duh. That would never happen though.

"No!," he exclaimed. "I don't and it will never happen okay?," he stuttered.

"Oh yeah?," Kyungsoo began to tease his younger brother. "But I could imagine your blushing face everytime you talked about him," he said.

"Hyung!," Sehun retorted. "I'm already grown up to not be blushing over someone I like," he protested, didn't accept to be called like that.

"Oh, so you admit that you like him now?," Kyungsoo's question made him dumbfounded. He didn't mean it that way though.

Sehun stammered. "I–I didn't mean it that way," he replied in annoyance.

"I–I ugh I will go now, talk to you later!," he exclaimed and quickly ended the phone call afterwards.

He was really embarrassed right now like he was being caught in love with someone.

More than sure, he knew Kyungsoo was laughing his ass off after the phone call.

If Luhan knew, that irritating guy would be teasing him for the rest of his life about it.

Now Sehun wondered why did he love them so much?

"Who is it?," Sehun was startled when he heard the sudden voice from behind of him.

He frowned and looked up to meet the boss' stares. "Oh, Mr Kim?," he stood up from the seat.

Chanyeol was there as well and he shot him a fond smile.

"It's my brother," he replied to the question and even furrowed his eyebrows deeply to feel the stares on him.

Kai nodded. "Only your brother?," he questioned once again to make sure.

"Y–Yeah, who else would it be?," Sehun retorted with another question.

Kai responded with a shrug. "Who knows if it's your lover or something?," he plopped down on the sofa afterwards.

Sehun lifted one of his eyebrows while looking at the elder. He slowly curled up a smirk.

"Lover? Oh talking about that, my boyfriend doesn't call me yet today," he stated and sat down while glancing at Kai.

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