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Author's POV

Sehun slowly opened his eyes after a long sleep time. He blinked for a few moments.

"Ugh, I'm still sleepy," he murmured while burying himself back in the blanket.

He would spend all the day on this comfortable bed rather than going to work.

As his arms spreaded out to take the cell phone he placed on the table beside the bed, he looked at the time on the screen.

"It's just 7," he muttered and threw it back eventually. There's still plenty of times left.

But, Sehun suddenly remembered one thing. He sighed out deeply, how could he possibly forgot that he lived under the same room with the boss?

After thinking about his life, for a few while, he forcefully stood up from the bed.

The bathroom door seemed far when it was just near. Honestly, why would he need to work?

He clicked, open, the door before entering it. He started stripping and turn on the shower tap.

It was really refreshing to have a shower this early. He felt like all the problems were gone at the moment.

Sehun went out of the bathroom after a few minutes, with water dripping from his hair and through his collar bone.

He straight up took the work suit and quickly wore it. A smile curved on his face while he was admiring his own figure.

It was all ready for him to get to work, if he was still at his own house.

But this time, it was slightly different actually.

"Good morning, Sehun—ssi," the maids that were passing by, greeted him with their polite smile.

Sehun responded with a fond amile and a slight nodded while walking passing them.

He finally stopped at the door which was located only few centimetres from his own room.

"Why am I doing this, actually?," he muttered to himself while still staring at the blank door.

One new thing that he just knew recently was, Kai was really a heavy sleeper and hard to wake him up.

That was not the main thing or problem here, the thing was, from now, it was his job to do it.

He felt like being his wife than being called an assistant.

"Kai-ssi," he called out with a low voice tone while knocking on the door for once.

Yeah, the boss asked him to just be calling him by his name when they were at home.

Their home?

After few minutes, there was still no reply from the inside. "Kai-ssi, please wake up," he tried calling out louder.

Sehun took out a deep breath and let out a harsh one. It was really getting on his nerves actually.

"Sehun–ssi," he turned around his body at that moment when his name was being called.

"Yes, what is it?," he questioned as one of the maid was standing behind him.

The maid seemed in doubt whether to tell him or not. "It's actually kinda hard to wake him up," she whispered.

Without asking, he could already guess who was that him.

"If we did, you might don't want to know what will happen," Sehun started getting confused right now after hearing it from her.

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